New Mexico School for the Blind and Visually Impaired - 1900 North White Sands Boulevard, Alamogordo, New Mexico 88310, phone (800) 437-3505

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Reasons for Students to Be Seen
at the Low Vision Clinic


Reasons for students to be seen initially at the Low Vision Clinic or return for continued follow-up visits as recommended:

  • To establish a baseline of acuity measurement and general visual functioning level, for all students who have low vision.  For very young children, or nonverbal children who are not able to respond to a traditional test of acuity measurement, it may be possible to use other methods to obtain a general indication of their level of visual functioning or visual acuity, and to give a prognosis for the expected levels of visual functioning they likely will develop

  • To help parents and teachers better understand their child’s visual condition and visual functioning – “how” he/she sees.

  • To determine if there is a refractive error (need for corrective lenses) and whether the refractive error is significant enough to prescribe eyeglasses or contact lenses.

  • To provide information and assistance, as needed, in the process of determining most appropriate learning media, literacy media, and print size.

  • To assess visual skills in terms of whether or not vision is likely a major factor when there are concerns about other developmental areas.

  • To determine if low vision devices, technology equipment, or other adaptations and accommodations will likely enhance the student’s functioning level and to assist educational team members with trial and/or acquisition of recommended devices, equipment, or strategies.

  • To provide reevaluation to determine if visual functioning is improving, remaining stable or otherwise changing, and what those changes may indicate in terms of other programming needs; and whether the need for devices or other accommodations has changed. A particular visual diagnosis will usually indicate a prognosis in terms of whether or not the eye condition will remain stable. Visual functioning should be closely monitored as one indicator of the student’s visual status over time. Additionally, as a result of the growth and maturation process, a student’s need for specific devices or optical power will often change over the course of time. It is important that students return for follow-up visits to the low vision clinic as recommended by the Low Vision Specialist. Educational programming decisions need to be based upon information that is current and accurate.

  • To assess vision in terms of acquiring a learner’s permit or driver’s license when appropriate. Many students want to learn if they can qualify visually to eventually be able to drive. The Low Vision Specialist has the expertise to advise individuals with low vision about this question and to counsel the student with regard to the procedures they will need to follow for their particular situation.

  • To assess if needs in other related services are indicated, such as orientation and mobility services.


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Last Updated: 11/18/2009