New Mexico School for the Blind and Visually Impaired - 1900 North White Sands Boulevard, Alamogordo, New Mexico 88310, phone (800) 437-3505

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Short-Term Programs ~ Braille

Braille Code Module

Sub-Module 1 (Recommend 1 week, 12 periods instruction)
The student will learn to:
• Read and write the alphabet
• Read and write whole word contractions
• Read and write part word contractions
• Read and write short form contractions
• Read and write punctuation signs
• Read with both hands

Sub-Module 2 (Recommend 1 week, 12 periods instruction)
The student will learn to:
• Read and write dot 5 contractions
• Read and write dot 4/5 contractions
• Read and write dot 4/6 contractions
• Read and write dot 4/5/6/ contractions
• Read and write dot 6 contractions
• Read and write composition signs

• Read with both hands
To benefit from this sub-module, the student must already know the Braille alphabet and the majority of the contractions in sub-module 1.


Slate and Stylus Module

Sub-Module 1 (Recommend 1 week, 6 periods instruction)
The student will learn to:
• Write with the standard slate and stylus
• Write with the Janus slate
• Write with the page slate

Use the slate for everyday functions, such as recording a phone number
To benefit from this sub-module, the student must already know the majority of the Braille code and be proficient with producing Braille using a Perkins Braille writer or other device.



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Last Updated: 2/11/2011