New Mexico School for the Blind and Visually Impaired - 1900 North White Sands Boulevard, Alamogordo, New Mexico 88310, phone (800) 437-3505

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Short-Term Programs ~ Orientation & Mobility

It can be difficult for district O&Ms to work on all of the skills that students with visual impairments need to learn in order to be safe and efficient travelers. O&Ms, for example, may have a hard time getting a student to a location that has an intersection controlled by a traffic light. Caseload size and distribution can make it tough to deliver services on a consistent or concentrated basis.

NMSBVI will assist O&Ms by providing some specific skills in an intensive, short term format. Each of the skill modules linked below is broken down into several sub modules. District O&Ms can determine which skill a student with a visual impairment is both ready to learn and capable of learning in a short term format. The intent is not to replicate O&M services offered in districts but rather to assist district O&Ms in providing quality services to students who might otherwise have limited opportunities to access the full O&M curriculum.


Cane Skills Module

Cane Skills Sub-Module 1 (Recommended 1 week stay with 12 class periods O&M time)
The student will work on:
•  indoor mobility skills
•  trailing a wall with a hand
•  diagonal trailing of a wall with the cane including discussion/demonstration of limitation
    of the technique
•  identifying intersecting hallways via tactile/auditory cues
•  employing constant contact with sufficient arc width and cane movement to provide
    adequate protection
•  detecting/avoiding people/obstacles

Cane Skills Sub-Module 2 (Recommended 1 week stay with 12 class periods O&M time)
The student will work on:
•  outdoor mobility skills
•  discussion/demonstration of limitations of constant contact technique when outdoors
•  employing two point touch technique with sufficient arc width and cane movement
    to provide adequate protection
•  employing touch and drag technique
•  employing three point touch technique
•  identifying and counting sidewalks to assist in overall orientation and route completion
•  negotiating irregular sidewalks in residential area
•  detecting/avoiding people/obstacles


Grid and Address Systems Module

Grid and Address Sub-Module 1 (Recommended 2 week stay with 24 class periods O&M time)
The student will work on:
•  developing an understanding of a grid system
•  identifying divisors and their relevance to a grid system
•  completing straight line, ‘L’, ‘U’, rectangular and zigzag routes within a grid system
•  using pneumonic devices as memory aide within a grid system
•  estimating route length and completion time based on knowledge of the grid system

Grid and Address Sub-Module 2 (Recommended 2 week stay with 24 class periods O&M time)
The student will work on:
•  developing an understanding of an address system
•  identifying divisors and their relevance to an address system
•  completing routes based on addresses within the address system
•  devising alternate routes to a location within an address system
•  estimating route length and completion time based on knowledge of the address system


Street Crossings Module

Street Crossings Sub-Module 1 (Recommended 1 week stay with 12 class periods O&M time)
The student will work on:
•  maintaining a line of travel
•  maintaining body alignment
•  identifying parallel and perpendicular streets
identifying lulls in traffic and crossing at those times
•  detecting and correcting for veering while crossing and recovering after having veered
    during crossing

Street Crossings Sub-Module 2 (Recommended 2 week stay with 12 class periods O&M time)
The student will work on:
•  identifying clockwise and counterclockwise crossings and advantages/disadvantages of each
•  identifying ‘+’, ‘T’, ‘Y’ and offset intersections and developing multiple strategies for
    crossing at each
•  identifying traffic patterns at various types of intersections
•  identifying channelized right turn lanes and developing methods for crossing to and from
    traffic islands

Street Crossings Sub-Module 3 (Recommended 1 week stay with 12 class periods O&M time)
The student will work on:
•  developing strategies for crossing clockwise and counterclockwise at ‘plus’ and ‘T’ intersections
    controlled by traffic lights


GPS Module

GPS Sub-Module 1 (Recommended 1 week stay with 12 class periods O&M time)
The student will work on:
•  using an off-the-shelf (visual with some auditory feedback) GPS device
•  inputting routes
•  executing routes as recommended by the device
•  recognizing through discussion/demonstration that the route selected by the device
    isn’t always the best/safest way to reach the destination and creating an alternative route

GPS Sub-Module 2 (Recommended 2 week stay with 24 class periods O&M time)
The student will work on:
•  using a VI specific (tactual with auditory feedback) GPS device
•  inputting points of interest
•  inputting routes; executing routes as recommended by the device
•  recognizing through discussion/demonstration that the route selected by the device
    isn’t always the best/safest way to reach the destination and creating an alternative route
•  rerouting the device as necessary
•  dealing with technical glitches unique to VI specific GPS devices



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Last Updated: 2/11/2011