Connecting the PAC Mate

Contents of This Page

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  1. Connecting with ActiveSync
  2. Connecting with a Network (Ethernet) Card
  3. Connecting with a Modem
  4. Connecting to a Wireless Local Area Network
  5. Setting Up an E-mail Account
  6. Ending a Connection
  7. Beaming Information

In keeping with the latest technology, PAC Mate features a variety of connectivity options that lets you transfer and receive information easily. With the BX400, you can:

To view a hardware compatibility list, please visit

Connecting with ActiveSync

This section provides instructions on how to install ActiveSync, set up a partnership, and use some of the more popular features. For more information about using ActiveSync, refer to the ActiveSync help topics on your PC.

Tip: The PAC Mate BX400 Quick Start Guide contains JAWS related instructions on using ActiveSync Help on the PC.

Microsoft® ActiveSync® 3.7 is already installed on your PAC Mate. However, you must install ActiveSync on your PC.

If you want to synchronize PAC Mate's Inbox, Calendar, Appointments, Contact, and Tasks with your computer, make sure you have Outlook® 2002 on your computer. If not, you must install it from the Pocket PC Companion CD.

Installing ActiveSync

When you install ActiveSync using the PAC Mate Companion CD, the PAC Mate USB drivers should automatically install as well.

  1. Plug in the PAC Mate using the AC adapter.
  2. Put the PAC Mate Companion CD in your CD drive and follow the instructions to install ActiveSync on your PC.
  3. Note: If the Setup program does not automatically start, open the Start Menu and select Run. Use the browse button to move to D:\MS\Actsync\Main. Go to the Setup.exe file and press DOT 8 to start installation. If your CD-ROM drive is not the D: drive, substitute the appropriate letter when browsing.

  4. When you are prompted, turn on and connect the PAC Mate to the PC using the USB cable. Once you do this, ActiveSync should automatically detect your PAC Mate and ask you to establish a partnership. Select either standard or guest partnership.

Follow these steps if your PAC Mate is not automatically detected and the Add New Hardware Wizard appears on your PC: (This may be necessary for Windows 98 and ME systems.)

  1. Remove the Companion CD and put the Documentation CD in your CD drive.
  2. Be sure to choose the option that lets Windows automatically search for the new driver. Windows will then find and install this new driver.
  3. Once the new hardware is detected, ActiveSync will prompt you to establish a partnership. Select either standard or guest partnership.

(Optional) Configuring ActiveSync

To prevent your PAC Mate from trying to synchronize when it is not connected to a server, you will need to configure the options in the mobile schedule page of ActiveSync on your PAC Mate.

  1. Open the Start menu and press A to choose ActiveSync.
  2. Press F2 to open the Tools menu, and choose Options.
  3. Press DOTS 5-6 CHORD to move to the mobile schedule page.
  4. Press DOTS 4-5 CHORD to move to the different controls on the page.
  5. Make the appropriate changes.
  6. Press DOT 8 to save changes and close the dialog.

Creating a Partnership to Synchronize

With ActiveSync, you can establish two types of partnerships: standard and guest.

  1. With the New Partnership Wizard open on your desktop, use the arrow keys to select the "Standard Partnership" radio button and press DOT 8.
  2. When the next page of the Wizard opens, the default selection is the "Synchronize with this desktop computer" radio button. Press DOT 8 on the Next button. Unless you want to connect to a MS Mobile Server, skip over to step 5.
  3. (Optional) To specify that you want to synchronize data with Microsoft Mobile Information Server, press DOWN ARROW and select the "Synchronize with Microsoft Mobile Information Server and/or this computer" radio button. Then press DOT 8.
  4. (Optional) Type in the requested information, pressing DOTS 4-5 CHORD to move to the next edit field. If you want to save your password so you do not have to retype it, press SPACEBAR to check the "Save Password" check box. After entering your information, press DOT 8.
  5. In the Edit field, type a name for this partnership connection. Press DOT 8 on the Next button.
  6. To control which and how much information gets synchronized, move to the item in the list view, and press SPACEBAR to check the item.
  7. After checking an item, press DOTS 4-5 CHORD to move to the Settings button and press DOT 8. (This button is only available for certain items in the list view.)
  8. Choose the parameters you want for synchronization, and press DOT 8 on the OK button to close the "Synchronization Settings" dialog.
  9. Press DOTS 4-5 CHORD to move to the Next button and press DOT 8.
  10. Press DOT 8 again to exit the New Partnership Wizard. ActiveSync automatically starts synchronizing.

Using Infrared with ActiveSync

  1. In ActiveSync on your PC, press ALT+F, C to open the File Menu and the Connection Settings dialog.
  2. Press DOTS 4-5 CHORD to move to the Allow serial cable or infrared connection
  3. Press DOTS 4-5 CHORD to move to the Allow serial cable or infrared connection to this COM port check box and press the SPACEBAR to check this box.
  4. Press DOTS 4-5 CHORD to move to the associated combo box, and use the arrow keys to select Infrared Port (IR).

Line up the infrared (IR) ports on the devices so that they are unobstructed and within a close range. The IR port window is to the left on the back side of PAC Mate.

  1. On your PAC Mate, press F4 to go to the Start Menu.
  2. Select ActiveSync.
  3. Press F2 and press DOT 8 on Tools.
  4. Select Connect via IR. Synchronization will begin.
  5. 5. To end an infrared connection, move the PAC Mate away from the PC.

You can beam a file using infrared to and from a PC with the following applications:

Using ActiveSync to Backup Information

You can create a backup file on your PC that contains all your PAC Mate files, databases, and RAM-based programs using ActiveSync.

You can automatically backup files whenever you connect using a standard partnership or you can manually back up files using a guest partnership. In addition, you can choose the location on your PC where you want to store the backup file and you can choose between a full backup or an incremental backup based on the items that have changed.

  1. Establish either a standard or guest partnership.
  2. In ActiveSync on the PC, press ALT+T, B to open the Tools Menu and the Backup/Restore multipage dialog.
  3. On the Backup page, press TAB to move among the controls and choose how you want to backup your files.
  4. Move to the Backup Now button and activate it with the SPACEBAR.
  5. To automatically backup files with each connection, use the SPACEBAR to check the Automatically back up each time the device connects check box.

Restoring Information

Restoring information using your backup files will delete your current files. To prevent this, move these files from your PAC Mate to your PC before restoring the information.

  1. Establish a guest partnership.
  2. Close any running programs on your PAC Mate.
  3. In ActiveSync on the PC, press ALT+T, B to open the Tools Menu and the Backup/Restore multipage dialog.
  4. Press CTRL+TAB to move to the Restore page.
  5. Press TAB to move to the Restore Now button and activate it with the SPACEBAR.

Connecting with a Network (Ethernet) Card

An Ethernet card connects the PAC mate directly to a network or a high-speed Internet connection such as a cable or DSL modem.

Like Pocket PC 2002, Pocket PC 2003 has NE2000 drivers pre-installed so that you can use any of the NE 2000-compatible network (Ethernet) cards with your PAC Mate.

Using a Network Card

When you connect the network cable to a NE2000-compatible Ethernet card and insert it into the CompactFlash® slot, PAC Mate automatically opens the Establishing Connection dialog where you can choose to connect to the Internet or Work. This dialog is an HTML window so it operates differently than most dialogs. To navigate this dialog, use the arrow keys. To enable either radio button, press DOT 8. If you need to change a connection setting, press DOT 8 on the Settings link. To close this dialog, press DOT 8 on the Ok button.

If you are using a non-compatible NE2000 Ethernet card, you will need to install its drivers, then connect the network cable to the card and insert the card into PAC Mate.

For the most part, you should not have to do anything else except open Internet Explorer, MSN Messenger, Inbox or any other program that uses a network or the Internet. If you have not yet configured your e-mail account within Inbox, you will need to do so before you can send or receive e-mail.

If you need to enter a specific IP address, you will need to open the Connections multipage dialog and access the Network Adapters dialog. To do this, press F4, S, followed by DOTS 5-6 CHORD to move to the Connections page. From here, press C and DOT 8 to open the Connections multipage dialog. Next, press DOTS 5-6 CHORD to move to the Advanced page. On this page, press DOTS 4-5 CHORD until you are on the Network Card button and press DOT 8. In the Network Adapters dialog, move to the adapters list, choose the appropriate adapter and press DOT 8. On the next page, use the arrow keys to select the Use specific IP address radio button, press DOTS 4-5 CHORD, and type in your IP address.

If you need to enter specific server information, press DOTS 5-6 CHORD to move to the Name Servers page and enter your server information in the appropriate fields. Press DOT 8 to save the changes and close the dialog. You are returned to the Network Adapters dialog. Press F1 twice to close this dialog and the Connections multipage dialog.

Connecting with a Modem

To connect your PAC Mate to the Internet using a modem, there are a couple of steps you must complete.

To connect your PAC Mate to the Internet or network using a modem, there are a couple of steps you must complete.

Installing Modem Drivers

Note:  These are general instructions and may not apply to all modems. Refer to your modem documentation for specific installation information.

Installing the modem drivers is done with ActiveSync on your desktop or laptop computer.

  1. Connect your PAC Mate to your PC and create a partnership.
  2. With your PC, locate the file with the modem drivers and run the Setup program. Follow the prompt directions.
  3. ActiveSync installs the modem drivers to the PAC Mate.

Configuring the Connection Settings

When you first insert your modem in the PAC Mate, a New Modem Detected dialog automatically opens. In this dialog there are two links that let you choose between connecting to the Internet or Work. To move around in this dialog, use the arrow keys. To activate any of the controls, press DOT 8.

When you activate either the Internet or Work link, the Make New Connection dialog in Settings automatically opens for you to begin configuring your modem connection settings.

  1. In the Enter a Name for the Connection edit field, type the name of the connection.
  2. Press DOTS 4-5 CHORD to move to the Select a Modem combo box. Your modem should be selected.
  3. Press DOTS 4-5 CHORD to move to the Next button, and press DOT 8.
  4. In the next dialog, type the Work or ISP phone number as it should be dialed. You can enter the phone number without spaces or dashes. Be sure to include any additional numbers such as '9,' for an outside line or '*70,' to disable call waiting.
  5. Note: The comma introduces a one second pause which allows the phone company's switching equipment to dependably prepare for the rest of the dialing sequence."

  6. Press DOT 8 on the "Use Dialing Rules" link only if you are dialing long distance and need to include the area code of your work or ISP phone number.
  7. Press DOTS 4-5 CHORD to move to the Next button and press DOT 8.
  8. In the edit fields, type in your User Name and Password.
  9. Press DOTS 4-5 CHORD to move to the Advanced button and press DOT 8.
  10. In the BAUD rate combo box, use the arrow keys to select 57600 for a 56K modem. When you're done, press DOT 8 to close this dialog and return to the previous dialog.
  11. Press DOTS 4-5 CHORD to move to the Finish button and press DOT 8.

This finishes the steps of creating a connection and places you back at the Today Screen.

From this point, the PAC Mate will automatically connect as needed while you use Pocket Internet Explorer and Inbox. If you have not yet configured your e-mail service within Inbox, you will need to do so before you can send or receive e-mail.

Connecting to a Wireless Local Area Network

Wireless LAN connectivity allows for mobile computing in an open environment using a wireless network adapter and a compatible base station.

A wireless LAN can be any of the following technologies: 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g or Bluetooth.

Installing Network Adapter Drivers

Note: These are general instructions and may not apply to all wireless cards. Refer to the wireless card documentation for specific installation information.

Installing the wireless card drivers is done with ActiveSync on your desktop or laptop computer.

  1. Connect your PAC Mate to your PC and create a partnership.
  2. With your PC, locate the drivers file and run the Setup program. Be sure to use drivers that work for Pocket PC 2003. Follow the prompt directions.
  3. ActiveSync installs the modem drivers to the PAC Mate.

Using a Wireless LAN

When the wireless card is first inserted, a dialog will open that looks similar to a web page. This dialog shows the router that is available and gives you the opportunity to connect to that router by selecting the Connect button.

After you select the Connect button, a dialog is displayed that asks for a WEP key. It is necessary to enter forms mode to enter the key if you are connecting to an encrypted network. Use the arrow keys to move through the dialog until you reach the edit field and press DOT 8. This will activate forms mode and allow you to enter the key. If the network is not encrypted, you can leave the field blank. Next, press DOTS 4-5 CHORD to move to the Connect button and press DOT 8. You will be returned to the Today screen.

You must now modify the configuration in order to actually connect to the router. This is done through the Connections dialog in Settings.

  1. Open the Start Menu and choose Settings and press DOT 8.
  2. Press DOTS 5-6 CHORD to move to the Connections tab and then choose Connections from the listview.
  3. Press DOT 8 and you will be placed in another dialog that looks like a web page. Use the appropriate navigation commands for your device and move to the Advanced page.
  4. On this page, press DOTS 4-5 CHORD to move to the Network Card button and press DOT 8. Here you will find a list of available networks.
  5. Press the DOWN ARROW Key to Move to the router that you want to connect to. You should see "Available" after the network name, unless a connection has already been established. Press DOT 8 to open the Wireless Network configuration dialog.
  6. If you experience problems connecting, move to the Network Key page. Press DOTS 4-5 CHORD to move to the combo box and select Shared.
  7. Press DOT 8 to dismiss this dialog and you will be placed back into the list of available networks.
  8. Again highlight the connection and press F2 CHORD and choose Connect. At this point, your PAC Mate should establish a connection to the router. To confirm this, use the arrow keys to select the connection and JAWS should report “Connected” if the configuration was successful. If you see “available,” the connection failed. If you see “Unavailable,” the wireless access point has moved out of range or is offline.

Setting Up Your E-mail Account

Before you begin this procedure you will need the following information from your ISP.

To create a POP3 or IMAP4 E-mail Service:

  1. Enter the Start Menu (F4) and press DOT 8 on Inbox.
  2. Press F2, move to Accounts, and press DOT 8.
  3. Press DOWN ARROW to move to New Account and press DOT 8 again.
  4. On page one of the E-mail Setup Wizard, enter the e-mail address provided by your ISP or network administrator, such as or
  5. Press DOT 8 on the Next button.

Auto configuration attempts to connect to your e-mail server and download the settings so that you do not need to enter them manually. If Auto configuration is successful, press DOT 8 on the Next button.

If Auto configuration is unsuccessful, contact your ISP or network administrator for the following information:

Once you have the above information, continue with the E-mail Setup Wizard.

  1. In the Your Name edit field, enter the name that you want people to see when you send them e-mail. Press DOTS 4-5 CHORD to move to the next edit box.
  2. In the Username edit field, enter the user name assigned to you by your ISP or network administrator. This is often the same user name you use to sign into your ISP or network. This edit box is pre-populated with the information you entered in step 5 above. If the information is different, type in the correct information.
  3. In the Password edit field, enter your password and press SPACEBAR to check the Save password check box. Press DOT 8 on the Next button.
  4. From the Account type combo box, use the arrow keys to select POP3 Mail or IMAP4 Mail.
  5. In Name, enter a unique name for the service, such as Work or Home. This name cannot be changed later. Press DOT 8 on the Next button.
  6. In the Incoming mail edit field, enter the name of your e-mail server, then press DOTS 4-5 CHORD.
  7. In the Outgoing mail edit field, enter the name of your Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) host, then press DOTS 4-5 CHORD.
  8. If you are using a network connection, enter your domain name in the Domain edit field. Press DOTS 4-5 CHORD to move to the Finish button and press DOT 8 or access additional settings (see E-mail Settings Optional) by pressing DOT 8 on the Options button. Additional settings include:

When you are finished with the E-mail Setup Wizard, you are returned back to the Inbox list view. You are now ready to download your e-mails by pressing F2 and selecting Connect from the menu.

E-mail Settings (Optional)

When you press SPACEBAR on the Options button, the E-mail Setup Wizard adds three additional dialogs.

The first dialog changes the amount of time Inbox waits to check for new messages. Press DOTS 4-5 CHORD to move to the minutes box and enter a new number of minutes. The E-mail Setup Wizard will automatically pick the correct connection to use for the e-mail service you created. If, for some reason, you want to use a specific connection, press DOTS 4-5 CHORD to move to the Connection list box and use the arrow keys to select the connection. When you are done with the settings in this dialog, press DOT 8 on the Next button to go to the last dialog.

In the second dialog, press DOTS 4-5 CHORD if your outgoing mail server (SMTP) requires authentication, press SPACEBAR to enter a check in the "Outgoing e-mail server requires authentication" check box. This dialog also lets you control the number of e-mails downloaded to your PAC Mate. In this dialog, the "Only display messages from the last" check box is checked by default. Press SPACEBAR to uncheck this box or DOTS 4-5 CHORD to move to the edit field and enter a number to specify how many days of e-mail you want downloaded.

The last dialog allows you to choose between downloading only message headers or the whole message. To automatically download the whole message, from the list, use the arrow keys to select "Get full copy of messages." You can also select to limit the size of messages by pressing DOTS 4-5 CHORD, then SPACEBAR to check the Include check box, press DOTS 4-5 CHORD again and enter the size of each message downloaded.

When using an IMAP4 connection the third dialog lets you choose to download attachments. Press SPACEBAR to check the "When getting full copy, get attachments" check box. You can also select to limit the size of attachments downloaded to your PAC Mate by pressing DOTS 4-5 CHORD, then SPACEBAR to check the "Only if smaller than" check box and in the edit field enter a number in Kilobytes.

Press SPACEBAR on the Finish button as this completes the E-mail Setup Wizard.

Ending a Connection

You can end a connection with the End Connection dialog, which is accessible from any running application on PAC Mate. The command to open the End Connection dialog is SH CHORD, M. Next, you must press DOTS 4-5 to move to Disconnect, then press DOT 8, which activates the End link. Your PAC Mate should disconnect within a few seconds.

Note: The End Connection dialog is a Microsoft bubble dialog. Once activated, bubble dialogs automatically close in about seven seconds. So it is important that you press the commands successively when PAC Mate begins speaking the dialog.

Beaming Information

Through its infrared port, your PAC Mate is capable of beaming information to other PDA's including Palm Pilots, printers, Windows 2000 and phones that support the OBEX infrared protocol.

For information about beaming specific information within a program, see Help on your PAC Mate for that program.

If you are unable to beam information, try the following:

Receiving a Beam on the PAC Mate

Your PAC Mate is set to receive all incoming beams from devices running Pocket PC 2002 and 2003. If you are receiving a beam from a device running Palm or Pocket PC 2000 follow these steps:

  1. Press F4, S to open the Settings dialog.
  2. Press DOTS 5-6 CHORD to move to the Connections page.
  3. Press B for Beam and DOT 8 to open this dialog.
  4. Press DOTS 4-5 CHORD to move to the bottom of the dialog and press DOT 8 on the Receive and infrared beam link.

Deactivating the Infrared Port

The infrared port is active by default. In certain situations or if you are not using the port you may want to consider deactivating it as its activation uses up battery life.

  1. Press F4 to go to the Start Menu.
  2. Press S to select Settings.
  3. Press DOTS 5-6 CHORD to move to the Connections page.
  4. Move to Beam and then press DOT 8.
  5. Press SPACEBAR to clear the "Receive all incoming beams" check box.


