
Contents of This Page

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  1. Saving a Document
  2. Revert to Saved
  3. Opening a Document
  4. Braille input
  5. Connecting to an Embosser
  6. Embossing a Document
  7. Printing Documents
  8. Uncontracted Braille Vs. Contracted Braille
  9. Mark Emphasis Text
  10. Selecting Text Vs. Marking Text
  11. Find
  12. Replace
  13. Formatting a Document
  14. Inserting Text
  15. Checking Spelling
  16. Word Count

FSEdit is a word processing application that you can use to create and edit documents. Unlike Pocket Word or Notes, FSEdit was created specifically for the blind user. Among its friendly and convenient features, you will find FSEdit provides a robust editing environment, complete with a spell checker, and offers the facility to emboss all supported file formats.

The default location for FSEdit is the Programs submenu (Windows Key, P). In the Program submenu press F until you hear FSEdit and then press ENTER. When you first open FSEdit, it automatically creates a new document. If necessary you may also create a new document by pressing ALT and then ENTER on the File Menu. In the File Menu, press N and ENTER again. This will also create a new blank document.

To view all the commands available in FSEdit, please see Appendix A: PAC Mate Commands.

Saving a Document

If the file you want to save has the correct name, is in the correct file format, and in the correct folder, you can simply press CTRL+S and your file will be saved.

If, however, you want to save the file with another name, with a different file format, or in another folder, you will have to open the File Menu and select Save As. In the Save As dialog you can change any parameter of the file. Use the TAB command to navigate this dialog. Below lists the options available in each combo box in the Save As dialog.

Folder combo box: The default is None, which means that your file will be saved in the default folder, My Documents. The other folder options, listed below, are subfolders of the My Documents folder.

File Type combo box: FSEdit offers a nice variety of file types that easily match your working needs. In addition, FSEdit’s own file type, .fsd, allows for synchronization to your PC, storage of additional information such as Grade of Braille (contracted or uncontracted), cursor location, mark location,and contracted back translation for easy conversion between the other file types supported by FSEdit.

Location combo box:

Revert To Saved

This menu item reloads the last saved version of the document and discards any succeeding editorial changes.

Opening a Document

  1. To launch the Open File dialog, press CTRL+O.
  2. Press SHIFT+TAB to move into the list view of files, and then use the arrow keys to make your selection.
  3. When find the file you want, press TAB to move over to the OK button and then press ENTER.
  4. If the file is not stored in the current folder, press TAB until you hear, "Folder list box," then use the arrow keys to choose the folder in which the file is stored.
  5. If the folder is not in the current location, press TAB until you hear, "Location list box," then use the arrow keys to choose the location in which the folder is stored.
  6. If the file is of another file type, press TAB until you hear, "Type list box," then use the arrow keys to choose the file type.

Braille Input

Using the PAC Mate QX400 QWERTY keyboard, you can write in uncontracted or contracted Braille in FSEdit.

If you open a new file, you can only type in uncontracted Braille, but if you open an existing contracted Braille file, or if you save a file using a .brf file extension, you can type in contracted Braille.

To turn on Braille input mode when in FSEdit, press INSERT+SHIFT+F9. The key assignments are:

Keyboard Key Braille Dot Equivalent
Semicolon DOT 8

Connecting to an Embosser

Before you can emboss a document, you must first select your embosser type in the Properties dialog, which is accessed from the Emboss dialog.

When you select your embosser, many of the fields in the Properties dialog automatically populate with your embosser’s default settings. This means you can immediately begin embossing your document or you can change the embossing settings.

To launch the Properties dialog:

  1. Open the File Menu.
  2. Use the arrow keys to move to Emboss and press ENTER to launch the Emboss dialog.
  3. Use TAB to move to the Properties button and press ENTER to open the Properties dialog.
  4. When this dialog opens, press TAB once to place your cursor in the Embosser combo box. This combo box lists embossers that are compatible with FSEdit. Use your UP or DOWN ARROW keys to select your embosser.
  5. If you are satisfied with the automatic settings of your embosser, you can press ENTER to return to the Embosser dialog. If not, press TAB to move to each field and adjust the setting. When you are done, move to the OK button and press ENTER.
  6. In the Embosser dialog, press TAB until you hear, "Connection button" and press ENTER.
  7. Use your UP or DOWN ARROW keys to select the port connecting your embosser.
  8. If you select Windows Device, press TAB to move to the Location edit box. Type in the network path of the embosser. For example: \\server\my embosser. If you select IRDA, please see Embossing Using an Infrared Connection for more information.
  9. Press ENTER or select the Ok button to return to the Emboss dialog.

Embossing a Document

Embossing a document is initiated from the Emboss dialog. To launch the Emboss dialog you must open the File Menu and select Emboss (E). With the Emboss dialog open, you have several controls that allow you to change the way your document is embossed. If you do not want to change any of the parameters and are ready to emboss, press TAB until you reach the Ok button and then press SPACEBAR.

Number of Copies

Unless you specify the number of copies embossed, FSEdit will only emboss one copy of a document.

To emboss more than one copy of a document:

  1. From the file menu, press E to open the Emboss dialog.
  2. Press TAB until you hear "Number of copies one."
  3. Type in the number of copies to be embossed.
  4. Once you have selected your number, you can change more emboss parameters or press TAB to move to the Ok button. Press ENTER to print your document.

Emboss Settings

Depending on your needs, you may want to emboss on different size paper. Changes made to the embossing settings are retained until you change them or reset them to their defaults.

For 8.5 x 11 inch paper, use the following settings:

Cell Per Line: 34
Lines Per Page: 25
Top Margin in lines: 0
Max Cells Per Line of Embosser: 34
Max Lines Per Page of Embosser: 27

For 11.5 x 11 inch paper, use the following settings:

Cell Per Line: 40
Lines Per Page: 25
Top Margin in lines: 0
Max Cells Per Line of Embosser: 42
Max Lines Per Page of Embosser: 27

Changing Emboss Settings

  1. From the file menu, press E to open the Emboss dialog.
  2. Use TAB to move to the Properties button and press ENTER to open the dialog.
  3. Press TAB to move to the Set Cell Per Line To edit box. Type the number of Braille cells you want in each line.
  4. Press TAB to move to the Set Lines Per Page To edit box. Type the number of lines you want on each page.
  5. Press TAB to move to the Set Top Margin in lines to edit box. Type the number of lines you want to set for your top margin.
  6. Press TAB until you hear, "Max Cells Per Line of Embosser edit box." Type the absolute maximum number of cells you want on each line.
  7. Press TAB to move to the Max Lines Per Page of Embosser edit box. Type the absolute maximum number of lines you want on each page.
  8. Press TAB to move to the Margins for Interpoint check box, use the SPACEBAR to place a check in the box.
  9. Press TAB to move to the Pages for Interpoint check box, use the SPACEBAR to place a check in the box.
  10. Press ENTER on the Ok button to emboss your document.

Embossing Using an Infrared Connection

In order to emboss to a Braille device from your PAC Mate using infrared data transfer, you will need to obtain a powered, IRDA-compliant printer adapter. In addition to the power connection, this adapter will have an infrared port on a cable that you can locate in a convenient place. You can connect the adapter to any of the Braille embossers supported by the PAC Mate.

After connecting the adapter and selecting your embosser, align the IR port of your PAC Mate with that of the adapter and select Emboss from the FSEdit File menu. Your document will be transfered using the IR ports and embossed on the Braille embosser.

Notes: You cannot use infrared to transfer files to a Braille embosser if you are embossing over a network. Go to Connecting to an Embosser for more information.

Most IRDA-compliant printer adapters are pass-through devices; that is, once connected to the parallel port of your Braille embosser, you can then connect the cable from a desktop or laptop computer to the adapter and emboss from both that device and the PAC Mate.

Resetting the Embosser’s Default Settings

  1. From the file menu, press E to open the Emboss dialog.
  2. Use TAB to move to the Properties button and press ENTER to open the dialog.
  3. When this dialog opens, press TAB once to place your cursor in the Embosser combo box. Use your UP or DOWN ARROW keys to select another embosser.
  4. Reselect your embosser. The default settings will repopulate each field.
  5. Press ENTER on the Ok button to return to the Emboss dialog.

Printing Documents

There are two ways to launch the print dialog. The easy way is to press CTRL+P from within any document. The other way is to open the File Menu (ALT, ENTER) and select Print (P). Unless you want to change print parameters or you have more than one printer installed on your computer, you can immediately press ENTER or select the Ok button to print a single copy of your document. The default margin set for the top, bottom, left, and right page edge is 1 inch.

Number of Copies

Unless you specify the number of copies printed, PAC Mate prints only one copy of a document.

To print more than one copy of a document:

  1. Press CTRL+P to open the Number of Copies page.
  2. After you hear "Number of copies one," Braille in the number of copies to be printed.
  3. Once you have Braille your number, press ENTER twice to print your document or use the Print dialog to make more changes.

Changing Printers

If multiple printers are installed on your computer, then PAC Mate uses the same default printer designated in Windows.

While PAC Mate's Print dialog allows you to change printers, it does not allow you to change the default printer.

To change printers:

  1. Press CTRL+P to open the Number of Copies page.
  2. Navigate beyond the number of copies edit page by pressing ENTER.
  3. When the Print dialog opens, the Printer combo box is active. Use your UP or DOWN ARROW keys to select another printer.
  4. Press ENTER or select the Ok button to print your document.

Choosing Port Settings

Currently PAC Mate supports printing to printers on a network, that are infrared, BlueTooth and WiFi compatible, and that are attached via a USB connection. If you select network because you are printing to a network printer, you must enter the printer's UNC path in the Net Path edit field. You must also enter this information in File Explorer. When using a USB-attached printer, be sure to select LPT1 in the printer port list.

Choosing Paper Size

The default paper size setting for PAC Mate is Letter (8.5 x 11 inches).

To choose another paper size:

  1. Press CTRL+P to open the Print dialog.
  2. Navigate beyond the number of copies edit page by pressing ENTER.
  3. When the Print dialog opens, move to the Paper Size combo box. This combo box lets you select a different paper size. Use your UP or DOWN ARROWS to make your selection.
  4. Once you have selected your new page size you can change more print parameters or press ENTER to print your document.

Selecting a Print Range

The Print Range area of the Print dialog is composed of two radio buttons: All and Selection. Use the cursor cross to select either radio button. Unless you specify a selection, PAC Mate will print all pages contained with in a document.

To specify a selection:

  1. Select the text you want to print with the selecting commands.
  2. Press CTRL+P to open the Print dialog.
  3. Navigate beyond the number of copies edit page by pressing ENTER.
  4. Move to the Print Range radio buttons and use your cursor cross to choose Selection.
  5. Press ENTER or select the Ok button to print your selected text.

Page Orientation

The Orientation area of the Print Setup dialog is composed of two radio buttons: Portrait and Landscape.

To change the page orientation:

  1. Press CTRL+P to open the Print dialog.
  2. Navigate beyond the number of copies edit page by pressing ENTER.
  3. Next, press TAB until you hear "Page Orientation." Use the cursor cross to make your selection.
  4. Once you have selected the page orientation, you can change more print parameters or press ENTER to return to the Print dialog.
  5. To print your document, press TAB to move to the Ok button, then press ENTER to start the print job.

Draft Mode

On by default, the Draft Mode check box in the Print dialog uses less ink, but reduces the sharpness and quality of print on paper. To improve print sharpness and quality, press the SPACEBAR to uncheck this box.

Uncontracted Braille vs. Contracted Braille

Regardless of whether you created a Braille file or one of the other supported file formats, FSEdit's default setting sends text to your embosser in contracted Braille. If necessary, you can emboss a file in uncontracted Braille.

To emboss an uncontracted Braille file in uncontracted Braille:

  1. From the file menu, press E to open the Emboss dialog.
  2. Press TAB until you hear, "Grade 2 checked." A check in this box means the document will emboss in contracted Braille. To emboss in uncontracted Braille, press SPACEBAR to uncheck this box.
  3. Once you have selected the Braille language, you can change more emboss parameters or press TAB to move to the Ok button and then press ENTER to emboss your document.

Mark Emphasis Text

Emphasis text is text that is bold, underlined and/or in italics. This item (enabled by default and only available when embossing in contracted Braille) indicates when text has emphasis.

Disabling Mark Emphasis Text

  1. From the file menu, press E to open the Emboss dialog.
  2. Press TAB until you hear, "Mark Emphasis Text."
  3. A check in this box means bold, underline and/or italic text is marked.
  4. If you want to emboss without marking Emphasis Text, press SPACEBAR to uncheck this box.
  5. To emboss your document, press TAB to move to the Ok button and then press ENTER.

Selecting Text vs. Marking Text

While these two features, selecting text and marking text, use very different approaches, they do perform virtually the same function. The difference, however, is that with Marking Text you can accurately mark text and have the added advantage of being able to freely read your document until you find the word(s) you want to mark inclusively. Whereas when you select text, you must move linearly in a fixed increment until the block of text you want is selected. This may result in more editing, as some unwanted text might get selected.

Marking Text

  1. Set the mark at the location of the cursor by opening the Edit Menu and pressing ENTER on Set Mark or by pressing ALT+E, M.
  2. Move the cursor to a different location in the document.
  3. Choose Select to Mark from the Edit Menu or press ALT+E, S to select all the text between the mark and the cursor.

Trading Mark and Cursor Positions

On occasion you may find it helpful to review the information you have selected. Or you may find that you want to select text that is beyond the marked end. To do this easily, swap the position of the mark and cursor. You can find this feature in the Edit Menu or simply press ALT+E, W.

Selecting Text

In addition to all the selecting commands available in PAC Mate, FSEdit has its own Quick Select commands. The Quick Select commands let you select text in five different increments. You can find these options in the Edit Menu under the Quick Select submenu or you can press the shortcut commands.


The Find feature is a very handy tool that lets you search for a word or phrase within an open document quickly. When you press ALT+E, F, FSEdit launches the Find dialog with the cursor in the Find What edit box. Type in the word or phrase you want to find. Use the TAB key to navigate the dialog. Other controls in this dialog that are available are Find Whole Words Only, Match Case, and Search Direction.

When you are ready, press ENTER on the Find Next button.


The Replace menu item (ALT+E, R) is similar to the Find feature in that it searches for words or phrases within a document, but it has the additional feature of replacing words or phrases with alternative text. Its dialog is similar to the Find dialog but has two additional buttons. The Replace button, which replaces one instance of the word or phrase and the Replace All button, which replaces all instances of the word or phrase in the document.

Formatting a Document

In FSEdit makes formatting a document very easy. Most formatting options available can be directly accessed from the two submenus in the Format Menu.

To format a document:

  1. Press ALT, then F twice to move to the Format menu and press ENTER to open the Format menu.
  2. On the Format menu you have two choices: Font and Paragraph. Each opens a submenu when you press ENTER.
  3. The Font submenu options include: bold, italic, underline, strikethrough, and more options. In order to use the bold, italic, underline and strikethrough options you must first select the text using one of the three methods available:
  1. The Paragraph submenu options include: align left, align center, align right, justify, increase indent, and decrease indent.
  2. If you select more from the Font submenu you launch a Font dialog. From here you can select a different font type, font style, font size, and font effect.

Inserting Text

The first two items can be found in the Insert Menu, while the third item can be found in the Format Menu. To select a format for the Date/Time Stamp and for Bullets and Numbering go to the Tools Menu and select Options.

Checking Spelling

You can check the spelling of a specific word, or of all the words in a document. If a word is spelled correctly, but not recognized, you can add the word(s) to FSEdit’s online dictionary. To launch the Spell Checker dialog, press F8.

Once the Spell Checker dialog opens, your cursor is in the Change To box on a word from the Suggestions List. At this point, you have several options to choose from. Use the TAB key to navigate the dialog and press ENTER on the control that performs the particular action you want. When you encounter the Suggestions List box, use the UP or DOWN ARROW keys to make your selection.

Word Count

When you want to know the number of words in a document, press ALT move to Tools and press ENTER. Then move and press ENTER on Word Count


