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  1. Using the Elapsed Timer
  2. Using the Countdown Timer
  3. Reading the Timer

The PAC Mate Stopwatch can measure both elapsed and countdown time. Use the elapsed timer to measure the amount of time it takes to complete an event. Use the countdown timer to mark the time remaining in an event.

To use the Stopwatch, go to the Start Menu (WINDOWS Key) and press P for Programs, then S for Stopwatch.

To view the lists of commands specific to the Stopwatch program, please see Appendix A: PAC Mate Commands.

Using the Elapsed Timer

When the program opens, the elapsed timer is ready for you to press the ENTER key. When you do, the PAC Mate announces "Starting Stopwatch" and upon every passing minute announces the current elapsed time.

To stop or pause the elapsed timer, press ENTER. To resume timing, press ENTER again.

To reset the timer, press TAB to move to the Reset button and press ENTER.

Using the Countdown Timer

To use the countdown timer, move to the Countdown button and press ENTER. This opens a dialog where you type in the minutes in the edit box, then press TAB to move to the next edit box and type in the seconds. When you are done, press ENTER. This returns you to the main Stopwatch dialog where PAC Mate starts the count down. PAC Mate announces remaining time at every one-minute interval. With fifteen seconds remaining, PAC Mate announces each second until zero is reached.

To stop or pause the countdown timer, press ENTER. To resume timing, press ENTER again. To reset the timer, press TAB to move to the Reset button and press ENTER.

Reading the Timer

To read elapsed or remaining time at any point, press SHIFT+TAB to move to the time edit box, then use any of reading commands or press the SPACEBAR.


