NMSBVI Vision Bees
Vision Bee is dedicated to imparting the latest information regarding
teaching students who have visual impairments. A Vision Bee is
appropriate for parents, families, teachers, service providers, social
workers and anyone who is interested in increasing their skills in
regards to serving students with visual impairments. The Vision Bees
take place in January of each year in Albuquerque and
Alamogordo. Registration is free. CEUs are available. You may register
using the documents found on this webpage.
Vision Bee Dates
Vision Bee 2016 with Linda Hagood:
January 13th in Albuquerque
15th in Alamogordo
Information - 2016 Vision Bee
General Information
Better together: relationship based programming for students
visual impairment and social communication challenges
Presented by linda hagood, m.a., ccc-slp
January 13 & 15, 2016
New Mexico School for the Blind and Visually Impaired—Vision Bee
Introduction to the
better together model
Student skills assessment
Evaluation of adult teaching
Evaluation of adult-child
Strategies for
building relationships (predictability, limiting demand,
scaffolding, balancing turns, finding the smile)
Watch / practice
Analyze / modify
Helpful resources
Problem solving (echolalia; rigidity; isolation, sensory driven
Goals for workshop
Upon completion of this workshop, participants will be able to :
1. Describe four areas for social communication programming included in
the “better together” relationship based program.
2. Locate and utilize tools for assessing student skills, teaching
strategies, and adult-child relationships.
3. Use the criterion referenced assessment tools to choose goals for
both students and teacher
4. Describe and demonstrate at least three strategies for building
relationships with students who have combined visual and social
communication challenges.
5. Describe and demonstrate at least three new activities for working
with current students who present interactive challenges.
About the Presenter
Linda Hagood
Linda Hagood, M.A., CCC-SLP, is a speech-language pathologist who has
special expertise in working (and playing) with students who have
combined visual and multiple impairments, including autism,
deaf-blindness, and cognitive challenges. Linda worked for many years at
Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, where she served many
roles—as speech-language pathologist, outreach consultant, classroom
teacher, and residential instructor. During her time at TSBVI, she wrote
two books, one entitled Communication: A Guide for Teachers of Students
with Visual and Multiple Impairments (1997), and the second entitled
Better Together: Building Relationships with People who have Visual
Impairment and Autism Spectrum Disorders (or Atypical Social Development
(2008). Linda has presented numerous workshops, both nationally and
internationally, and has taught an online course offered through Perkins
School for the Blind and Fitchburg University, on her approaches to
teaching students who have a visual impairment and associated
social-communication challenges. She is a hands-on clinician who works
and plays on a daily basis in both public school and private practice
settings in her home in Western Washington. Her approach is
student-centered, relationship based and developmental, following the
wise advice of her hero Dr. Seuss –“It’s Fun to Have Fun, But You Have
to Know How.”
here to see the handouts for the event and print them if you like. We
will not have printed versions available at the event so please bring
your copy or download them to your device. Thank you for your
The WiFi at the
location may be avialable, however we recommend you download the
handouts prior to the event.
Link to Vision Bee 2015 with
David Brown Information
more information, please contact:
Kimber Kniffin
801 Stephen Moody St. SE
Albuquerque, NM 87123
Phone: (505) 271-3067 Fax: (505) 271-3073
e-mail: kimberkniffin@nmsbvi.k12.nm.us