New Mexico School for the Blind and Visually Impaired - 1900 North White Sands Boulevard, Alamogordo, New Mexico 88310, phone (800) 437-3505

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NMSBVI Programs - Outreach

Outreach Home | History | Services to Students in Public Schools
Mentorship Support Services

The mission of our Outreach Programs is to build capacity in every district that has a child with the issues of blindness/low vision. We believe that, together, we can meet the needs of your students and that together, we can change the face of blindness in New Mexico. Children who are blind or visually impaired have many needs as they progress from infancy to adulthood. In our efforts to meet the ever increasing societal demands to educate children with their peers; to, through our educational process, provide solid, competent members of the adult work force; to ensure that all children have equal opportunities to discover themselves and their world, NMSBVI continues to look at the way we serve students in New Mexico.

What do NMSBVI Outreach Itinerant Teachers Do?
Itinerant teachers from NMSBVI travel to school districts around the state to work with blind and visually impaired students in their home towns. This service is delivered through a joint service agreement between the student’s district/agency and NMSBVI Outreach Services Department.

What Services are Offered by NMSBVI Outreach?
NMSBVI offers direct services and consultation in three main areas.

1. Assessments in functional vision, learning media, orientation and mobility, and other types of assessments related to visual impairments.

2. Specific skills development to support the disability-specific needs of students with visual impairment such as developing understanding of visual concepts, orientation and mobility, Braille reading and writing, social interaction skills, recreation and leisure skills, visual efficiency skills, and self determination.

3. Training and support of the local educational teams and the parents and siblings.

Who Qualifies for Outreach Services?
Students with visual impairments that impact their education may be eligible for services. A student can be referred by the agency or school district that serves him/her, or by a physician, parent or guardian. When the referral is by a physician, parent or guardian, the school district is notified and asked to become part of the referral process. A joint powers agreement is reached between the local district/agency and NMSBVI, and an itinerate teacher is assigned to the student and does an assessment. If it is determined the student has a visual impairment that impacts his/her education, the local school district organizes a team to make an individualized education plan for the student. That plan determines what kind of and how much service the student should receive from NMSBVI.


Serving the Youth of New Mexico and Their Families since 1903  
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Last Updated: 9/3/2008