Resco Audio Recorder
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Turn your PAC Mate into a handy recorder with the Resco Audio Recorder. Use
it to record notes, meetings, interviews or classroom lectures. With its digital
Voice Activation System (VAS), Resco Audio Recorder records only when sound
is detected. This increases recording time and is useful during lectures and
meetings. When used with CompactFlash® storage cards you can extend available
recording time for hours. To learn more about the many features of this program,
go to
Resco Audio Recorder supports the following file formats:
- MP3 - 16, 32, 64 kbps audio encoding (strong audio compression)
- RAF - 22 and 44 kbps ADPCM audio encoding (middle audio compression)
- WAV - most known standard wave format (pure audio compression)
Installing and Registering Resco Audio Recorder
- Ensure that your PAC Mate is connected to your PC with a standard or
guest partnership
using ActiveSync.
- Install the version of Resco Audio Recorder found in the
3rd_Party_Programs folder on the PAC Mate Documentation CD.
The file is named Audio_Rec_p03.exe and will function for fourteen
days without registration. Note that when the installation
process finishes, a message is displayed on the PAC Mate informing you
that Resco Audio Recorder installation is complete. Press F1
to clear this message.
- When you are ready to purchase and register Audio Recorder, go to
to purchase the current 3.xx version of audio recorder. Note that this
version is not currently supported on the PAC Mate.
- During the purchase process, be sure to enter the owner information
exactly as it was entered into the PAC Mate because the registration code
for Audio Recorder is keyed to this information. This means that you
must set a name in the Owner
Information dialog in Settings and use that name exactly, including
upper and lower case, when registering.
- The first registration code you receive via e-mail will be for Version
3.xx. Please save it so that you can use this version with your
PAC Mate when it is supported.
- In order to use Resco Audio Recorder Version 2.52 from the Documentation
CD, send an email to
informing them that you are a PAC Mate owner and that you have just purchased
Resco Audio Recorder. Include the owner name exactly as it has been
entered into the PAC Mate, the order reference number you received when
the purchase was made, and the e-mail address used when you purchased
Resco Audio Recorder 3.xx.
- You will be sent a special registration code that will fully activate
the version of Audio Recorder provided on the PAC Mate Documentation CD.
Setting Up Audio Recorder
The first time you open Audio Recorder, you will be asked if you
want to make it the default player for three formats of audio file.
- Use the SPACEBAR to check the formats
you want to have Audio Recorder recognize by default.
- Press DOTS 4-5 CHORD to move to the Associate button and press DOT
- A message indicating the file formats that have been selected appears. Press
F1 to dismiss it.
- Press F1 again to exit the Settings dialog.
Creating a Recording
To create a recording:
- Press the F4 to open the Start Menu, press P to open the Programs
submenu, select Audio Recorder, and press DOT 8.
- Press DOTS 1-2-3-5-7to begin recording.
- Press DOTS 2-3-4-7 to stop recording.
- Press P CHORD to begin playing.
Note: For recording meetings, lectures, etc., a directional external
microphone with amplification is recommended.
Scheduling a Recording
You can schedule a recording to begin at a specific time and even on a specific date. To do this:
- Open Audio Recorder. Press F2 to open the menus and select Tools.
Select Scheduler from the Tools submenu.
- Press DOTS 4-5 CHORD to move to the date field. The date field is
editable and is formatted as 9/3/04.
- When you move to this field, the day is active, type the day. Then LEFT
ARROW to the month and type in the month.
- Press the RIGHT ARROW twice and this time, type in the
- Next, press DOTS 4-5 CHORD to move to the time field. The
time field is a spinable field and is formatted as 12:04:17 PM.
- When you move to this field, the hour is active. You can either use the
UP and DOWN ARROWS to select the hour or
type it in. Then press the RIGHT ARROW to move to the minutes.
Follow the same steps listed to change the minutes and seconds.
Note: In order to ensure that you can properly adjust the time
and date settings, you must have highlighting turned on in the Braille
Options if you are using an attached Braille display and have muted
speech output.
Using the Voice Activation System
The Voice Activation System (VAS) allows Audio Recorder to turn itself
on when a predetermined sound level is detected. To set the external
volume level, do the following:
- Press F2 to open the menu. Select Voice Activation System and press
DOT 8.
- Use the LEFT ARROW and RIGHT ARROW keys to adjust the VAS
level setting. The higher the value of this setting, the more sensitive
VAS becomes and the lower the external volume level that is needed to
cause recording to begin.
- Press F2 to open the menu, move to File List, and press DOT 8
to return to the main Audio Recorder window.
Note: To turn off the VAS feature, open the VAS
setting and set the value to zero.
Tagging a Recording
Tags are parts of a recording, that can be processed separately.
They can be exported to one or several files. You can listen to them,
excluding the untagged parts from listening. To create tags, do the
following while a recording is playing:
- Press F2 to open the Tools menu and select Tags.
- When the Tags dialog opens, you are positioned on the Start Tag button.
At the point in the recording where you want the tag to begin, press DOT
8 to select this button.
- This button will be changed to the Stop Tag button. When the recording has
reached the point where you want the tag to end, press DOT 8 again.
- To return to the list of files, press F2 and open the Tools
menu. Select File List and press DOT 8.
To export tags:
- If you want to export only the tagged parts and concatenate them into one
file, press F2 from the file list, choose Tools, and select Save TAGS
- If you want to export only the tagged parts and save them as separate files,
press F2 from the file list, choose Tools, and select Save TAGS separately.
You will be prompted to specify the destination file.
For more information on tags and their use, please see the online help
for Audio Recorder that is installed when you install the program.
This help is found in the main PAC Mate help system that is accessed
from the Start Menu.