PAC Mate Basics

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  1. Adjusting Speech Settings
  2. Understanding Layered Commands
  3. Working with Text
  4. Inserting ASCII and Control Characters
  5. Copying Files To and From PAC Mate
  6. Adding Programs
  7. Removing Programs

Adjusting Speech Settings

The Voice Settings dialog configures PAC Mate to speak the way that suits you best. There are two approaches you can take to adjust speech.

Open the Start menu and press S to choose Settings. Next, press V twice to move to Voice Settings and press ENTER.

When this dialog opens, the PAC Mate is in a combo box where you can select the "voice" you want to modify. There are five choices:

Press TAB to move to the Speech Rate slider control. Press the LEFT and RIGHT arrow keys to increase or decrease the speech rate. To move forward to the next control, press TAB.

The voices control is a combo box that allows you to choose from a selection of eight voices. With combo boxes, use the UP or DOWN ARROW keys to make your selection. You will hear the actual voice as you arrow through this list.

Each time you move to a control, you should notice that JAWS indicates what type of control it is. For the voice pitch slide control, use the LEFT and RIGHT ARROWS to adjust the pitch to your liking. When you are done, press TAB to move forward to the next control.

This control, Upper Case Pitch, is a little different than anything discussed so far. It is an edit box and when you pressed TAB to move to it, you should have heard JAWS say, "Upper Case Pitch increment edit twenty." This means that the number twenty is the increment that JAWS uses when it reads an upper case letter. To change the pitch, type in a new number. When you are done, press TAB to move to the next control.

The last control in this dialog is the punctuation combo box. This control has four choices that you can use to control the amount of punctuation that you hear. They are none, some, most or all. Use the arrow keys to select your choice. When you are done, press ENTER to return to the Settings Multi-page dialog. To exit the Settings dialog and return to the Today Screen, press ESC.

The second approach to adjust speech settings uses JAWS Key+S, which you can press at anytime, in any program.

Note: If you adjust speech with JAWS Key+S and later perform a warm reset (CTRL+ALT+DELETE) your speech settings will revert to the previous adjustments made from the Settings dialog.

The commands introduced here are called layered commands because you only have to press JAWS Key+S once to have all the speech parameters settings available. For example, press JAWS Key+S, then use the arrow keys to adjust the voice rate and volume. When you are done, press P until you set the punctuation to the level you want and so on. To move out of settings, press TAB.

Appendix A lists all the commands used to adjust speech.

Understanding Layered Commands

There are several types of keyboard combinations in the PAC Mate. Most key combinations are pressed once and released.

There are also layered commands. These are layered key combinations, where one set of keys is pressed and released, then another set of keys are pressed and released resulting in the command performing a function. For example, press JAWS Key+S, P to set the punctuation level.

Repeating layered commands allow you to press the second key combination in the sequence multiple times. For example, press JAWS Key+S, RIGHT ARROW to increase the speech rate. After pressing JAWS Key+S, press RIGHT ARROW repeatedly until the speech rate you desire is reached. If you think it's too fast, press LEFT ARROW to decrease the rate. You don't have to press JAWS Key+S again unless you pressed a key combination that is not assigned to the second layer for repeating commands that start with JAWS Key+S.

If you do press the first key combination in a layered command, followed by a key combination that is not assigned to the second layer, the PAC Mate plays a sound to indicate that the command is invalid.

Press FN to exit the layer.

The PAC Mate also provides help for Layered Commands. Press the first layer command sequence followed by F1 to display a listing of all the commands in that layer. Move to a command in the list and press ENTER to activate the command. For example, press JAWS Key+S, F1 to list the settings commands. Adjust the speech rate and volume right from the list.

Working with Text

This section explains how to read and manipulate text, lists all the associated commands and provides examples on the more frequently used actions performed with text.

Inserting ASCII and Control Characters

You can enter ASCII values or control characters on the PAC Mate. To enter ASCII values, do the following:

  1. Press FN+SCROLL LOCK to turn on the numeric keypad. The FN key is located farthest to the left on the bottom row of the keyboard; the SCROLL LOCK key is the third key from the right on the top row.
  2. While holding down the ALT key, press the letters that represent the NUM PAD numbers. For example, to enter a sign for British pounds sterling, press j, o, and l, or the equivalents of 163, the ASCII value for this character.


Depending on what you are trying to achieve, you may find reading by character, sentence or paragraph more suitable than reading with the Say All command (JAWS Key+A). For instance, if you are trying to understand the syntax of a paragraph, you may want to read by line or by sentence. If you want to know how a word is spelled, you would want to read by character or press the command for "Spell Current Word" (JAWS Key+K twice quickly). To access the table that lists all the reading/moving commands available on PAC Mate, go to Appendix A: PAC Mate Commands.

Alternate Reading Commands

Alternate reading commands use the arrow keys. LEFT and RIGHT ARROW move and read horizontally. LEFT ARROW is for prior, RIGHT ARROW is for next.

The UP and DOWN ARROW move and read vertically. UP ARROW is for prior; DOWN ARROW is for next. Press them individually for line, add CTRL for paragraph, or press PAGE UP or PAGE DOWN to move by page.

File Margins

The HOME and END keys let you move to the margins of your document (i.e., beginning/end of the current line, or top/bottom of the file). Just press HOME to move to the beginning of a line or END to move to the end. To read from the beginning of the line to the current cursor position, press JAWS Key+HOME. To read from the cursor position to the end of the line, press JAWS Key+END. To move to the top of a file, press CTRL+HOME. To move to the bottom of a file, press CTRL+END.

Say All

When you want to read text in its entirety without stopping, use the Say All command (JAWS Key+A). With Say All, PAC Mate reads text from the point where you initiate the command to the end of the document or until you press the Stop Speech command (CTRL). During a "Say All" there are several commands you can use to move swiftly through the text you are reading. For example, you can press the LEFT or RIGHT ARROW to rewind or fast-forward through a document. In addition, you can decrease or increase the speech rate and volume. The commands available during a Say All are listed in Appendix A.


While there are many aspects to editing a document, this section focuses on the Edit commands used to edit text and provides an example with their implementation.

First, it is helpful to know that while most programs have an Edit Menu from which you can select an action, the PAC Mate has its own keyboard edit commands. Appendix A lists PAC Mate’s editing commands, which can be used in any program.

In many cases, any editing that you do requires that you select text.

Example: In the following two sentences, copy the word "stylus," cut the word "pen" and then paste the word "stylus" in the place of "pen."

Do you have a pen?

No, I have a stylus.

If you typed these sentences into one of the word processing applications on your PAC Mate and then followed the directions, you would have had to select text twice. (Once to cut pen, and once to copy stylus.)

  1. Open FSEdit by pressing Windows Key, P. Then press F until you hear FSEdit and press ENTER.
  2. In the edit field type: Example1. When done, press ENTER.
  3. Type the sentence: Do you have a pen? When you are done, press ENTER. Then type: No, I have a stylus.
  4. Press the LEFT ARROW to move left one character.
  5. Next, select the word, stylus, by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+RIGHT ARROW and copy it with CTRL+C.
  6. Press UP ARROW to move up to the prior sentence.
  7. Press CTRL+RIGHT ARROW or CTRL+LEFT ARROW until you hear the word "pen," then press CTRL+SHIFT+RIGHT ARROW to select pen or you can press SHIFT+RIGHT ARROW to select it by character so the question mark is not included.
  8. Now, press CTRL+X to cut the word pen, then press CTRL+V to paste the word stylus.

To view all of the selecting commands available on PAC Mate, please see Appendix A: PAC Mate Commands.

Alternate Selecting Commands

Alternate selection commands are extensions of the alternate reading commands. For example, SHIFT+LEFT ARROW selects the prior character, and SHIFT+RIGHT ARROW selects to the next character. Add CTRL to select by word.

SHIFT+UP ARROW selects the prior line, and SHIFT+DOWN ARROW selects to the next line.


Like the Edit Menu, many programs provide a Format Menu or dialog where you can change the appearance of text. But rather than use a menu or dialog, you should get familiar with PAC Mate’s keyboard formatting commands as they are quick and easy to use. Appendix A lists the formatting commands available on PAC Mate.

Much of the process used to format text is similar to the process involved in editing text.

Example: Center the following word "pac mate." Capitalize p, a, c and m. Then bold the whole word.

  1. Open FSEdit by pressing Windows Key, P. Then press F until you hear FSEdit and press ENTER.
  2. In the edit field type: Example2. When done, press ENTER.
  3. Type the word: pac mate.
  4. Press ALT+F, C to center the word. (There is no need to move to the beginning of the word to center it.)
  5. Press the LEFT ARROW to move left by character. Stop when you hear the letter "a."
  6. Then select to the beginning of the line with SHIFT+HOME.
  7. Next, press CAPS LOCK and retype p, a, c and m in uppercase.
  8. Now, press HOME, and SHIFT+END. This moves you to the beginning of the line so you can select all the text to the end of the line.
  9. Last, to make everything bold, press ALT+F, B. (To unselect the word PAC Mate, press any of the arrow keys.)

Now that you have created a title for your document, you are on your way to writing its content. When you press ENTER to start your first sentence, it will be centered. To left justify, press ALT+F, L.


Embossing a document can be done only in the FSEdit program. This section covers only the basics of embossing. For more information on this topic, please see FSEdit, Embossing a Document.

Embossing is initiated from FSEdit’s Emboss dialog. To open the Emboss dialog you must open the File Menu (ALT, ENTER) and select Emboss (E). With the Emboss dialog open, you have several controls that allow you to change the way your document is embossed. If you do not want to change any of the parameters and are ready to emboss, press ENTER.


Your PAC Mate offers several printing solutions. Perhaps the most widely known solution is to synchronize your PAC Mate documents and print from your desktop or laptop computer and printer. With this solution, you create a standard partnership with ActiveSync through the USB client or infrared.

Another solution, which may be less widely known, uses a Pocket PC printing utility called PrintPocketCE. This easy-to-use program lets you print Pocket Word, Excel and Outlook files directly from your PAC Mate to a PrintPocketCE compatible printer. You find the PrintPocketCE program in the PrintPocketCE folder on the User's Documentation CD. Once you add the program to your PAC Mate, go to the Programs submenu and select PrintPocketCE. To read about its important features view PAC Mate's help.

The latest solution recently added to PAC Mate is the ability to print directly to a printer from FSEdit.

Copying Files To and From PAC Mate

A procedure that has received little coverage is your ability to copy all program files to and from your PAC Mate and PC regardless of the type of partnership you establish in ActiveSync.

To copy files from your PC to your PAC Mate, first locate, select, and copy the desired file(s). Then in ActiveSync on your PC, press ALT+F. From the File menu select Explore. This directly opens Mobile Device on your PC.

Next, select a folder and paste your files. Your files immediately go through the conversion process and transfer to the PAC Mate. To copy files to your PC, the process is the same except that you go to Mobile Device first, copy the files, and then paste the files in the desired folder on your PC.

Adding Programs

Before you purchase an off-the-shelf program for your PAC Mate, make sure JAWS supports it and that it is compatible with the Pocket PC 2003 platform and your PAC Mate’s processor. For more information on the processor, please see Personalizing Your PAC Mate, Knowing About Pocket PC.

Any application that you want to add to your PAC Mate must be installed using ActiveSync and your computer. For more information on ActiveSync, please see Connecting the PAC Mate, Connecting to a PC with ActiveSync.

Before you can add a program to PAC Mate, you must install it on your PC. You do not need to be connected or have a partnership established. After you install the program, it remains on your PC in ActiveSync so you can add or remove it from your PAC Mate when needed.

If you have yet to make a connection between your PAC Mate and your PC and only want to add or remove programs, establish a guest partnership in ActiveSync. If you want to synchronize and add or remove programs, establish a standard partnership.

With a guest partnership, the Add/Remove Programs dialog automatically opens your PC desktop where you can check the box next to the program(s) you want added to your PAC Mate. With a standard partnership, you go to the Tools Menu (ALT+T) in ActiveSync on your PC and select Add/Remove Programs. Once you have checked the program(s) you want to add, press TAB to move to the OK button and press ENTER to close the dialog.

Note:  Any listed program that does not have a check in the box is removed from PAC Mate.

If additional installation is required, installation dialogs will automatically open on your PAC Mate and step you through the rest of the process.

Removing Programs

Programs that come with your PAC mate cannot be removed. Only programs that you install can be removed.

There are a couple of ways to remove programs from your PAC Mate. The easiest way is to use the Add/Remove Programs dialog in ActiveSync on your PC. This dialog lets you remove any applications you are not currently using, but because they remain on your PC, you can re-add them to your PAC Mate at anytime.

To remove programs, establish a partnership in ActiveSync. With ActiveSync open on your PC desktop, go to the Tools Menu (ALT+T) and select Add/Remove Programs from the menu. In the Add/Remove Programs dialog, uncheck the box next to the program(s) you want removed from your PAC Mate. Once you have unchecked the program(s) you want removed, move to the OK button and press ENTER. The program(s) are automatically removed from your PAC Mate.

Note:  Any listed program that has a check in the box remains on PAC Mate.

The second way to remove programs installed is to use the Remove Programs dialog on your PAC Mate. To do this, open the Start menu and press S to choose Settings. Press CTRL+TAB to move to the System page. Press R twice to select Remove Programs and then press ENTER.

In the Remove Programs dialog use the DOWN ARROW to select the program(s) you want removed. Press TAB to move to the Remove button and press ENTER.


