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Library Procedures

Checking Out Materials:

NMSBVI students may check out up to 10 items for a 3 week period, but there is a limit on the number of audio visual materials.  Renewals can be made if no one else is waiting for that item.

Teaching staff and professional staff in NM may check out items for 2 months with renewals if needed.

Local community individuals have the same check-out guidelines as campus students.

Individuals outside the local community who do not need materials for professional use may check out items for 6 weeks.


Scheduling activities in the library:

Teachers may have a regularly scheduled time, schedule a time on a one-time basis for a particular purpose, or just bring a class to the library at any time.  Individual students may be sent to the library, but call if they will need special help.

Classes, committees, and other groups may meet in the library.  It is helpful to phone ahead to be sure the area required is not already in use. Browsing is always encouraged and the librarians are happy to assist.



Meet the Librarian:

Amy Brody