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Using the Basic Search Catalog

You can now access the NMSBVI Library catalog from anywhere!

For our OPAC (online public access catalog), go to:

    NMSBVI website
        VI Resources
click on either ON campus or OFF campus access to the library

The box in the top left of the screen has Other Links that may prove helpful.

While browsing the catalog there are several options for search parameters. Choose ones that best fit your criteria.

Our catalog is being updated and is in constant revision. Some information may not be accurate. Contact us if you have questions or need assistance using the catalog.

You will still need to visit, call, or email us a list of items you want to check out. There is no on-line check-out system available at this time.


Search Results Headings:

Results: # of items found

Title: all titles found with these words

Author: all authors found with this name

Call #: where the item is shelved

Publishing Year: original publication date which may be different than the newest version we have

Available ?: This is not always correct, so contact us if it is an item you need.

NOTE: Clicking on your selection gives more information.


Key to Call Numbers:

B -- Biography

BR -- Braille

Cas -- single cassette

Cas Bk -- several cassettes in a box

CD -- single CD

CD Bk -- several CDs in a box

CD-Rom -- computer program

DVD -- video on disc

DVS -- described video on video tape

ER -- Easy Reader to Grade 2.5

F -- Fiction

J -- Junior/Juvenile (elementary)

NF -- Nonfiction using Dewey Decimal numbers

Pic -- Picture Books

Plwy -- Playaway audio format

Pt BR -- both print and Braille

Ref -- Reference materials

Sp -- Spanish translation

uBR -- uncontracted Braille