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Sensory Zoo Animals


    African Lion

    Alaskan Brown Bear

    Alaskan Mountain Goat    

    American Elk Calves

    Black Bear rug       


    Dingoes with Wallaby

    European Red Deer

    Fawn display               


    Fox Squirrel

    Gray Wolf

    Great Horned Owl


    Mountain Lion rug

    Musk Ox

    Northern River Otter

    Oryx Head Mount

    Persian Goitered Gazelle

    Sharpe’s Grysbok                        

    Black-billed Magpie                


    Golden Pheasant

    Great-tailed Grackle

    Gunnison Sage Grouse

    Himalayan Snowcocks        

    Red-billed Teal                      

    Helmeted Guineafowl

    Red-crested Turaco

    Spotted Laughing Thrush








Safari In a Box:
Our library was chosen by the Sables program through the Sensory Safari International Club
to receive a Safari in a Box. This is a wonderful addition to our Sensory Safari Collection and was received
as a grant gift from the Sables program. The box (tub) can be checked out by teachers to use in their classrooms.
The box includes 6 animal pelts, skull replicas for each of the pelt animals, artificial animal tracks,
artificial scat samples (animal poop!), lesson materials, and more.
We are proud to offer this new resource to our students.






Sensory Safari Event:


The Sensory Zoo was presented to our school in 1999 by the Alamogordo Breakfast Lion’s Club.

The animals were donated by Sensory Safari International. During their time on campus,

the animals have been moved to several locations and finally found a home in our library in 2007.

A Sensory Safari Event was held in October, 2007 to formally thank the Lion’s Club and to welcome

the animals to their new home. Campus classes contributed artwork and refreshments and acted as tour guides

for our many guests. Future plans for the collection include adding an audio system

which will tell about each animal so everyone will be able to enjoy them.





Helmeted Guineafowl.

Oryx Head Mount.

Wheelchair student
with bear. 

Boys examine springbok pelt.

Red Crested Turaco.

Fox Squirrel.

Lion's head

Sharpe's Grysbok

Thank you,
Breakfast Lions Club!


Girl looks at fennec.