Records Management
Mission Statement
To manage all department records of the New Mexico School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (NMSBVI) in providing support through establishing a program that complies with the creation, access, retrieval, storage, security and disposal of information in an effective manner.
Provide overall direction for developing and implementing a records management strategy for NMSBVI.
Assist staff in the identification and description of records, in the determination of how long records need to be retained, and in the development of retention schedules and disposition strategies that reflect these decisions.
To preserve, protect and make available records in the care, custody and control of NMSBVI.
Records Managenent Links and Forms
New Mexico State Records Center and Archives
Records Management Imaging Plan
Destruction of Records Form
For More Information Contact:
Records Management
Emerlene Aragon
(575/800) 437-3505 at x4483