Residential Campus
1900 N. White Sands Boulevard
Alamogordo, NM 88310
Phone: (575 / 800) 437-3505
Fax: (575) 439-4411

Contact Info
Albuquerque Campus (Early Childhood & Outreach Programs)
801 Stephen Moody SE
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87123
Phone: 505 271-3060
Fax: ECP - (505) 291-5456 | Outreach - (505)-271-3067
Directory Listing
Board of Regents
Regent's Name, Board Position
Catherine Gray, President
13401 Pinnacle Ct. NE, Albuquerque, NM 87112
Home: 505-323-2910
Cell: 505-250-2754
Agnes Vallejos, Vice-President
PO Box 2574, Los Lunas, NM 87031
Phone: 505-859-0745
Gary Smethurst , Secretary
7312 Santa Barbara East
Albuquerque, NM 87109
Cell: 505-306-0802
Robyn Holmes, Member
1401 Crescent Drive
Alamogordo, NM 88310
Cell: 575-491-7977
Mary Willows , Member
10501 Lagrima De Oro Road NE, Apt. 245
Albuquerque, NM 87111
Cell: (925)895-2778
MS Word Board of Regents Contact List
Office of the Superintendent
Ms. Patricia Beecher
Phone: (575 / 800) 437-3505 Extension 4413
Fax: (575) 439-4411
Personnel Prep Program (TVI / O & M)
Loanna Mason
Phone: (575 / 800) 437-3505 Extension 4555
Fax: (575) 439-4454
Mark Carter
Phone: (575 / 800) 437-3505 Extension 4554
Fax: (575) 439-4411
Ms. Veronica (Ronnie) Hernandez
Phone (575 / 800) 437-3505 Extension 4468
Fax: (575) 439-4490
Information Systems and Technology
Rob Cuatt, IS&T Dept. Manager
Phone (575) 439-4461
Fax: (575) 437-7851
Computing & Network Services
Steve Harris at (575) 439-4450
Trevor Twite at (575) 439-4416
Tammy Woelfel (ECP Campus) at (505) 271-3075
Records Mgmt
Emerlene Aragon at (575) 439-4483
Print Production and Web Services
John Tatum at (575) 439-4439
Audio/Visual & Graphics Services
Audio & Visual - Photography, yearbook, social media and sound
Carla Gonzales at (575) 439-4460
Supervisor - Heather Miller
Graphic Design - Innovation design services, PR & collateral material
Joanna Bradley
Supervisor - Julie Johnson
All Programs
Alamogordo Campus:
Heather Miller
Phone (575) 439-4433
Fax: (575) 439-4454
Julie Johnson
Phone (575) 439-4432
Cell: (575) 430-7806
Maritza Morales
Phone (575) 439-4486
Cell (575) 430-8477
Jackie Freeman
Phone (575) 439-4492
Fax: (575) 439-4454
Alamogordo Staff Contact Information
Janet King
Phone: (575) 439-4426
Michelle Graves
Phone: (575) 439-4480
Fax: (575) 439-4494
Jeremiah Vaughn
Phone (575 / 800) 437-3505 extension 4541
Transportation on-call cell phone: (575) 430-7396
Mary Vaughn
Phone (575) 439-4438
Fax: (575) 439-4498
Randy Puryear
Phone: (575) 439-4417
Mobile: (575) 430-3347
Albuquerque Campus:
Mr. Paul Kilman
Phone: (505) 271-3063
or (505) 271-3060
Fax: (505) 291-5456
Albuquerque (ECP) Staff Contact Information
Statewide programs:
FIT Coordinator,
Julie Maner
FIT Office: 505-859-0646
DVS/B-3 Staff Contact List
Outreach Coordinator,
Ms. Julie Johnson
Outreach Office: (575) 439-4432
Cell Phone: (575) 430-7806
Fax: (575) 439-4454
Office: (505) 271-3069
Cell Phone: (505) 350-3292
Fax: (505) 271-3073
Laura Miyoshi
Phone : (575) 439-4432
Human Resources
Veronica (Ronnie) Hernandez
Phone: (575 / 800) 439-4468
Fax: (575) 439-4490
Business and Finance
Sylvia Hartley
Phone (575 / 800) 439-4474
Fax: (575) 439-4406
Institutional Support
Ms. Margie Macias
Phone: (575) 439-4488
Fax: (575) 439-4411