NMSBVI Terms & Conditions of Use
IS Systems Resources Usage | Internet Usage Agreement | Other Legal Notices
Information Systems Resources Acceptable Use Policy
NMSBVI establishes and maintains a variety of information systems resources intended to promote access to knowledge and sharing of information. Among these are telephones, FAX machines, photocopiers, computers (and associated peripherals) and network connections to local, national and international sources of information and assistance. These resources are provided for the pursuit of learning and for the conduct of official NMSBVI activities or business. Any other use of information systems resources should be approved by the respective department head. Access to information systems resources requires that each user accept the responsibility to protect the rights and privileges of all users. Abuse of those rights and privileges may be just cause for taking disciplinary action, including withdrawal of access to information systems resources, dismissal and/or legal action. Examples of such abuse might be when an individual:
a. interferes with the intended use of information systems resources,
b. seeks to gain or gains unauthorized access to information systems resources,
c. without authorization, destroys, alters, dismantles, disfigures, prevents rightful access to or otherwise interferes with the integrity of information systems resources,
d. without authorization invades the privacy of other individuals or entities who are users or subjects of information systems resources,
e. violates matters of copyright, patents, authorizations, license agreements and/or other contracts.
Only persons specifically named by the superintendent will be authorized to monitor information systems resources for potential abuse. Reports of suspected violations of this policy will be passed on to the respective department head and the superintendent for their action.
NMSBVI (NMSVH) Board of Regents Approved February 10, 1995 Modified 12/1/2004 to reflect the name change of the school.
Back to TopNMSBVI Internet Usage Agreement
With the usage of Internet Monitoring and Blocking software tools, it is in the best interest of students, staff and NMSBVI that all potential users of the NMSBVI network and the Internet are informed of the use of such monitoring software tools.
1. The user acknowledges that Internet access is being provided solely to assist in gaining access to information and materials that are related to the execution of the user's job duties or guest's request for information and agrees to restrict Internet activities pertaining to NMSBVI's mission, vision and goals.
2. The user agrees that Internet access will not be used to generate or receive correspondence or materials that would be construed as fraudulent, illegal, harassing, obscene, indecent, profane or intimidating or retransmission of same.
3. The user agrees not to augment Internet browser software or any other NMSBVI provided software with externally generated programs or add-ons that potentially could introduce computer viruses into the NMSBVI computing environment.
4. In the course of accessing and utilizing materials found on the Internet, the user agrees to comply with any copyright or licensing laws pertaining to such.
5. The user agrees not to download or upload from/to the Internet, and/or circulate among other staff or users, any programs or accessories not specifically authorized for use by the Information Systems and Technology Department.
6. The user recognizes that the information on NMSBVI Internet Web sites (i.e. www.nmsbvi.k12.nm.us) is a matter of public record and no user is assured anonymity regarding their degree of Internet usage and the specific sites visited.
7. The user agrees to close Internet browser software and thereby disconnect from Internet sites when not actively engaged in Internet usage
8. Pornography and pornographic related merchandising are prohibited under all of NMSBVI's services and Children's Internet Protection Act. This includes sites that include links to pornographic content elsewhere. Further examples of unacceptable content or links include pirated software, "hacker" programs, archives of "Warez Sites", game rooms or MUDs, Chat Rooms, IRC Bots, program that spy, programs designed to send unsolicited advertisements (i.e. "spamware"), any kind of illegal software or shareware.
9. The user acknowledges that failure to comply with the above criteria may result in the removal of Internet access and any other disciplinary or legal measures deemed appropriate by management of NMSBVI.
Other Legal Notices
References to any sources outside the direct control of NMSBVI, including but not limited to links to other World Wide Web sites/pages, are provided for convenience only and do not imply any endorsement of the content found at such sources.
In general, NMSBVI believes that linking to publicly accessible World Wide Web sites/pages is legally permissible and consistent with the common understanding that the posting of information to the World Wide Web is for the purpose of making such information widely available to the public. However, NMSBVI will remove a link to any site if so requested by the site operator.
NMSBVI will make a reasonable effort to keep the information on its pages accurate and current, nor does NMSBVI assume any responsibility for such accuracy or currency, though NMSBVI will delete erroneous information, or post corrections as it deems appropriate, within a reasonable time after errors are brought to the school's attention.
Commercial products mentioned herein are in most cases trademarks of their respective manufacturers.
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