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January 2023
NMSBVI Annual Report
Please select from the links below to download the latest issue:
Annual Report Adobe PDF Version (requires Adobe Reader)NMSBVI Annual Report MS word version
October 2022
White Cane Day
Please join us as we recognize White Cane Safety Day, to celebrate the achievements of people who are blind or visually impaired! Walking Event to be followed by a Program.
2:00pm ~ meet at NMSBVI Alamogordo Campus, in the Parking Lot just off of Lovers Lane (East of the NMSBVI Dining Room)
Event presented by New Mexico Commission for the Blind, National Federation of the Blind, New Mexico State University - Alamogordo, and the New Mexico School for the Blind & Visually Impaired.
White Cane Day MS word version
August 2022
The Anti-Racism/Anti Oppression (ARAO) Hotline is a resource created by the Black Education Act (House Bill 43) that is available for students, families, staff, community members, or any stakeholder to report school-based incidents of racism, injustice, or discrimination against anyone.
The PED's Black Education Act team has created two posters to help districts and schools inform their communities about the Anti-Racism Anti-Oppression Hotline this school year.
Additional information on the hotline can be found on PED’s Website.
March 2022
NMSBVI Innovations Fair
A Virtual Event
{background art of a lightbulb sketch, floating over a multi-colored dot background, and sending rays of light across the page}
Save The Date!
Join us online for an overview of innovative & evolving practices from NMSBVI staff!
March 14 • 3-5pm
Zoom meeting info:
Join NMSBVI Innovations Fair Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 886 8408 0334
Passcode: 998035
One tap mobile
+16699006833,,88684080334#,,,,*998035# US (San Jose)
+12532158782,,88684080334#,,,,*998035# US (Tacoma)
NMSBVI Innovations Fair MS Word Flyer
2022 Braille Challenge
Alamogordo Campus ~ February 26
Albuquerque Campus ~ March 5
For more information, please contact Julie Johnson at NMSBVI: JJohnson@nmsbvi.k12.nm.us, or phone (575) 439-4432.
2022 Braille Challenge MS Word Flyer
February 2022
Vision Bee 2022
A Vision Bee is dedicated to imparting the latest information regarding teaching students who have visual impairments. A Vision Bee is appropriate for parents, families, teachers, service providers, social workers and anyone who is interested in increasing their skills in regards to serving students with visual impairments. Registration is free. For more information click the link below.
Link for the Vision Bee webpage. Vision Bee MS Word FlyerJanuary 2022
January 14, 2022 Remote Learning Letter
Dear NMSBVI Alamogordo Families
As you know, there has been a significant increase in COVID cases throughout our state. This has also impacted our staff and students in Alamogordo. Like many other schools and districts, we are experiencing a significant shortage in our staff, including staff in Health Services and Residential life. Because of this, NMSBVI-Alamogordo will be returning to remote learning on Tuesday, January 18 for 2 weeks....
PDF Version Remote Learning Letter English
PDF Version Remote Learning Letter Spanish
Word Version Remote Learning Letter English
Word Version Remote Learning Letter Spanish
December 2021
Happy Holidays
from your friends at New Mexico School for the Blind & Visually Impaired!
Holiday art courtesy of NMSBVI’s student-artists in Albuquerque and Alamogordo.
A series of images showing holiday-themed student-made art: For more info click on the banner image above.
Happy Holidays MS word version
November 2021
Happy Thanksgiving!
From Our Family to Yours...
Happy Thanksgiving!
Thanksgiving art courtesy of student-artists at the NMSBVI ECP.
Happy Thanksgiving! MS word version
October 2021
Entrepreneurship Club
Seeking students with blindness or visual impairment interested in learning entrepreneurship skills! NMSBVI Pre-ETS, in collaboration with NM Commission for the Blind, will host a Project ECHO program (please see additional flyer). This program provides students the opportunity to move from an idea to business plan to a project pitch. Along the way, students will learn valuable business skills that could enable them to take their project to implementation as a career. Additionally, students will build self-determination, self-advocacy, leadership, and communication skills. The Entrepreneurship Club is a great way to develop skills for employment and adult life! Joining this program requires a time commitment of 1-2 hours every Wednesday after school from October 27, 2021 - April 30, 2022 (all club meetings will take place on ZOOM.) Registration for participating in this year’s Entrepreneurship Club is required by October 22, 2021. To register, please visit this web-link... NMSBVI Pre-ETS Entrepreneurship Club Registration
If you have questions prior to or during registration, please contact
Holly Bird at hollybird@nmsbvi.k12.nm.us • 575-439-4470;
or Kim Tryon at ktryon@nmsbvi.k12.nm.us • 575-437-3505 ext. 4548.
Entrepreneurship Club MS word version
Low Vision Clinic
The New Mexico School for the Blind and Visually Impaired offers free low vision evaluations to infants, toddlers and students throughout New MexicoStudents who have a reduced level of visual functioning that interferes with their educational and day-to-day activities, but still have some degree of functionally useful vision, are typically referred to as having low vision. The New Mexico School for the Blind and Visually Impaired offers the Access to Learning Low Vision Clinic which provides a special examination to determine a student’s level of visual functioning and to identify optical and non-optical tools, including assistive technology, which may enhance the student’s visual abilities. Please visit the LVC page more information.. Low Vision Clinic Page
November 3, 2021 ~ Roswell
January 26-27, 2022 ~ Las Cruces
February 9, 2022 ~ Albuquerque
March 9, 2022 ~ Albuquerque
Low Vision Clinic Schedule MS word version
August 2021
NIGHT GOLF Glow Ball Tournament
Benefitting the Children at New Mexico School for the Blind & Visually Impaired
Los Altos Golf Course, Albuquerque
Schedule of events:
• Check-in 3:00pm • Front 9 Shotgun Start 4:00pm • Dinner & Silent Auction 6:30-7:30pm
• Back 9 Shotgun Start 7:30pm • Night Putting Contest during 2nd Nine
Silent Auction during the event will help raise money for the NMSBVI Foundation.
For more information or to sign up, contact Julie Pino at (505) 263-0405 or visit www.nmsbvifoundation.com
Address: Los Altos Golf Course, Albuquerque
NIGHT GOLF Glow Ball Tournament MS word version
NMSBVI Innovations Fair
Part of NMSBVI’s Strategic Plan involves creating and supporting innovative practices for our students. This Fair is a celebration of these innovative practices and allows us to share a sampling of our ideas with our community. These practices allow us to better serve our students and keep us in the forefront of our field of educating students who are blind or visually impaired..
NMSBVI Innovations Fair MS Word Flyer
BOY Letter to parents
Welcome to the 2021-2022 School year! As you know, we are back to full in-person learning and we are very excited to welcome students and staff on campus. NMSBVI will be back on our regular in person schedules this year. The New Mexico School for the Blind and Visually Impaired holds the health and safety of our students, families, and staff at the top of our list of priorities. NMSBVI also stresses the importance of education for all of our students. This upcoming school year, there is an even greater need to stress education across all areas including academics, social-emotional well-being and safety and hygiene. We are excited to return to full in-person learning for the 2021-2022 school year. To continue reading, download links below.
BOY Letter to Parents PDF (ENGLISH)
BOY Letter to Parents PDF (SPANISH)
BOY Letter to Parents MS Word (SPANISH)
BOY Letter to Staff
Welcome to the 2021-2022 School year! As you know, we are back to full in-person learning and we are very excited to welcome students and staff on campus. The New Mexico School for the Blind and Visually Impaired holds the health and safety of our students, families, and staff at the top of our list of priorities. NMSBVI also stresses the importance of education for all of our students. This upcoming school year, there is an even greater need to stress education across all areas including academics, social-emotional well-being and safety and hygiene. We are excited to return to full in-person learning for the 2021-2022 school year. To continue reading, download links below.
BOY Letter to Staff MS Word (ENGLISH)
April 2021
Vision Bee 2021
A Vision Bee is dedicated to imparting the latest information regarding teaching students who have visual impairments. A Vision Bee is appropriate for parents, families, teachers, service providers, social workers and anyone who is interested in increasing their skills in regards to serving students with visual impairments. Registration is free. For more information click the link below.
Link for the Vision Bee webpage. Vision Bee MS Word FlyerVision Bee Program Booklet MS Word Version
Vision Bee Program Booklet PDF Version
February 2021
NMSBVI Annual Report
Please select from the links below to download the latest issue:
Annual Report Adobe PDF Version (requires Adobe Reader)NMSBVI Annual Report MS word version
January 2021
Update from the Superintendent (Governor Lujan Grisham's State of the State address)
Dear NMSBVI Families,
I know that you have many questions and concerns about Governor Lujan Grisham's State of the State address yesterday. During that address, the Governor indicated that New Mexico public schools now have the option to return to in-person instruction beginning Feb. 8. The state left the decision of re-entry to each individual district and is not a mandate to open.
NMSBVI is currently reviewing our Re-Entry plan to determine how it fits into this new state guidance. We will be meeting with our Board of Regents to determine how and when to begin our re-entry and will revisit our re-entry criteria that had been established during the previous Board Meeting.
NMSBVI and our Board of Regents understand the importance of in- person learning and understand the difficulty of weighing this with the importance of keeping staff and students safe in this continuing pandemic.
We have our re-entry plan posted on our website and we recommend that you check the website for updates. We look forward to having students back on campus in the safest way possible for everyone and we are overjoyed to see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Be well,
Update from the Superintendent (Governor Lujan Grisham's State of the State address) (Spanish)
Estimado personal y familias de NMSBVI,
Sé que tienen muchas preguntas e inquietudes referente al informe sobre el estado de nuestro Estado que la Gobernadora Lujan Grisham’s dio el día de ayer. Durante ese discurso, la Gobernadora indicó que las escuelas públicas de Nuevo México ahora tienen la opción de regresar a la instrucción en persona a partir del 8 de Febrero. El Estado dejó la decisión de reingresar a cada distrito individual y no es mandatorio para abrir.
NMSBVI está revisando actualmente nuestro plan de reingreso para determinar cómo encajaremos en esta nueva guía estatal. Nos reuniremos con nuestra Junta de Regentes para determinar cómo y cuándo comenzar nuestro reingreso y revisaremos nuestros criterios de reingreso que se habían establecido durante la reunión anterior en la Junta.
NMSBVI y nuestra Junta de Regentes comprenden la importancia del aprendizaje en persona y comprenden la dificultad de sopesar esto con la importancia de mantener seguros al personal y los estudiantes en esta pandemia continua.
Tenemos nuestro plan de reingreso publicado en nuestro sitio web y le recomendamos que consulte el sitio web para obtener actualizaciones. Esperamos tener a los estudiantes de regreso en el campus de la manera más segura posible para todos y estamos encantados de ver la luz al final del túnel.
Que esten bien
December 2020
Dear NMSBVI Families,
I know that the remote learning model has been challenging. NMSBVI thanks you for your partnership. Your role in helping us teach your children has been huge. I know you are anxious about what will happen next semester. Because of the dramatic rise in COVID-19 cases and the exposure risks that the holidays and winter break bring, NMPED is requiring all schools to operate in a full remote model during the weeks of January 4 and January 11th. There will be no students allowed on campus during that time. Additionally, due to the risks that the high number of COVID cases poses to our staff and students, the Board of Regents voted to have NMSBVI resume our Recovery Model with Remote Learning beginning January 19th. (please see attached). The Board of Regents will make a new determination at the March 4, 2021 Board meeting in the hopes of beginning re-entry following Spring Break, if the counties meet the Governor’s gating criteria for re-entry at that time. This was a very difficult decision. However, with the number of deaths from COVID-19 expected to rise dramatically over the next 60 to 90 days, NMSBVI feels that it is vital to remain cautious and stay in our Recovery Model with Remote Learning in order keep our staff and our students safe and healthy for the next couple of months. We will continue to partner with you in order to provide the best educational experience possible for your children. We look forward to the possibility of re-entry in the spring. I know that this has been a very long journey, but rest assured that the end of this journey is near. I am excited to know that next school year, we should be welcoming back all students and we should enjoy a bit more normalcy.
Thank you for working together with NMSBVI.
Be well,
Estimadas familias de NMSBVI,
Sé que el modelo de aprendizaje a distancia ha sido un gran desafío. NMSBVI le agradece su cooperación. Su papel en ayudarnos a enseñar a sus hijos ha sido enorme. Sé que está ansioso(a) de saber por lo que es lo que sucederá el próximo semestre. Debido al aumento dramático en los casos de COVID-19 y los riesgos de exposición que traen las vacaciones y las vacaciones de invierno, NMPED exige que todas las escuelas operen en un modelo completamente remoto durante las semanas del 4 al 11 de Enero. No se permitirán estudiantes en el campus durante ese tiempo. Además, debido a los riesgos que la gran cantidad de casos de COVID representa para nuestro personal y estudiantes, la Junta de Regentes ha votado para que NMSBVI reanude nuestro Modelo de Recuperación con Aprendizaje Remoto a partir del 19 de Enero. (por favor ver adjunto el Documento). La Junta de Regentes tomará una nueva determinación en la reunión de la Junta del 4 de Marzo de 2021 con la esperanza de comenzar el reingreso después de las vacaciones de primavera, si los condados cumplen con los criterios del Gobernador para reingresar en ese momento. Esta fue una decisión muy difícil. Sin embargo, dado que se espera que el número de muertes por COVID-19 aumente drásticamente durante los próximos 60 a 90 días, NMSBVI siente que es vital ser cauteloso y permanecer en nuestro Modelo de Recuperación con Aprendizaje Remoto para mantener seguros y saludables a nuestro personal y nuestros estudiantes durante los próximos meses. Continuaremos comunicandonos con usted para brindar la mejor experiencia educativa posible para sus hijos. Esperamos la posibilidad de reingresar en la primavera. Sé que este ha sido un viaje muy largo, pero tengo la seguridad de que el final de este viaje está cerca. Estoy emocionada de saber que el próximo año escolar, deberíamos dar la bienvenida a todos los estudiantes y deberíamos disfrutar un poco más de normalidad.
Gracias por trabajar junto con NMSBVI.
New State Economic Relief Program for Families
In collaboration with Somos and other partner organizations, the State of New Mexico’s Human Services Department is launching a $5 million disaster relief fund for families ineligible for the federal COVID-19 stimulus program.
This emergency assistance program, funded with federal CARES Act money, is meant to assist state residents impacted by the pandemic who were left out of traditional relief programs. The allocation was approved during the second Special Legislative Session held in late November.
Somos members from across the state organized for several months to ensure immigrant families unfairly excluded from federal COVID-19 relief programs would be included in state relief and recovery initiatives.
This is a first-come, first-serve program administered by the New Mexico Human Services Department's Income Support Division. It will help approximately 6,000 families with up to $750 (the amount will be determined later this month by the Department).
The online request form will open at 9:00 a.m.on December 5th and close on December 11th. The form can be found here: Information About The CARES Cash Payment Request Form. For more information on how to apply online, check out our Facebook Live Forum on Monday, December 7th at 5:30 p.m. at
facebook.com/SomosUnPueblo or call us at (505) 424-7832.
The State's community partners include: Somos Un Pueblo Unido, El Centro de Igualdad y Derechos, Comunidades en Acción y de Fe, Partnership for Community Action & New Mexico Voices for Children.
En colaboración con SOMOS y otras organizaciones comunitarias, el Departamento de Servicios Humanos del Estado de Nuevo México está lanzando un fondo de ayuda económica de emergencia de $ 5 millones para familias que no recibieron el estímulo federal por COVID-19.
Este programa de ayuda, financiado con fondos federales de la Ley CARES, es para ayudar a los residentes del estado afectados por la pandemia que quedaron fuera del programa de ayuda tradicional. Los fondos fueron aprobados durante la segunda sesión legislativa extraordinaria a fines de noviembre.
Los miembros de SOMOS al nivel estatal se organizaron durante varios meses para asegurar que las familias inmigrantes injustamente excluidas de los programas federales de ayuda COVID-19 fueran incluidas en las iniciativas estatales de apoyo.
Este programa, administrado por el Departamento de Servicios Humanos de Nuevo México, ayudará a aproximadamente 6,000 familias con hasta $ 750 (la cantidad será determinada a finales de este mes por el Departamento). Se van a aprobar por orden de solicitud.
El formulario de solicitud en línea estará abierto a las 9:00 a.m. empezando el 5 diciembre hasta el 11 de diciembre. Se puede encontrar aquí:Information About The CARES Cash Payment Request Form Para obtener más información sobre cómo llenar el formulario en línea, asiste nuestro foro informativo en vivo en Facebook Live el lunes a las 5:30 p.m. en facebook.com/SomosUnPueblo a llámanos al (505) 424-7832. Para ver el comunicado del Estado con preguntas y respuestas.
Los colaboradores comunitarios son: Somos Un Pueblo Unido, El Centro de Igualdad y Derechos, Comunidades en Acción y de Fe, Partnership for Community Action y New Mexico Voices for Children.
NMSBVI Thank you
November 2020
November 30, 2020
During this festive season, we hope you’ll take pictures of your child or family, and send them to us for our next school slideshow, posted online! We’d love to have whatever photos you’d like to send us... photos of your student doing school-related activities, holiday activities, family dinner celebrations/falltime/indoors/outside/anything your family did to celebrate the Thanksgiving season!
Please send in your photos by Monday, November 30, to be added to the Thanksgiving slide show, premiering online on December 4. Your photos can either be emailed to Sarah at the ECP site, sarahcaswell@nmsbvi.k12.nm.us... or texted to your teachers. Please note that by sending us your photos, you agree for us to post those photos online (on the school’s website & social media for the public to see); these photos may also be used in upcoming NMSBVI projects including the school’s yearbook and other materials (print and digital) promoting NMSBVI. In advance, THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH for celebrating this festive season with us!
MS Word Version PHOTO REQUEST download
July 2020
Superintendents Welcome Back Letter Fall 2020 (UPDATED)
July 18, 2020
Dear NMSBVI Families,
I know that you are concerned about the upcoming school year and have been waiting for news on how NMSBVI will provide educational and therapeutic services. I thank you for your patience during this time! NMSBVI will take a cautious approach and postpone opening in person instruction until at least September 8th. We will provide full remote class instruction at the start of the school year. For the students who do not have access to technology, we will work individually with those families and will provide technology or work to find a solution. We will assess the state of the pandemic nearing Sept. 7 and we will make a decision about next steps at that time. For More Information please click the word document below....
MS Word Version Welcome Back Letter Fall 2020 (Updated)
Superintendents Welcome Back Letter Fall 2020 (Spanish) (Versión actualizada)
18 de Julio 2020
Estimadas familias de NMSBVI,
Conocemos muy bien su preocupación por el inicio del próximo año escolar y seguramente ha estado esperando noticias sobre cómo NMSBVI proporcionará servicios educativos y terapéuticos. ¡Les agradezco su paciencia durante este tiempo! Quiero hacerles saber que tendrán opciones para el Otoño de 2020. NMSBVI adoptará un enfoque cauteloso y pospondrá la instrucción de apertura en persona hasta al menos el 8 de septiembre. Proporcionaremos instrucción de clase remota completa al comienzo del año escolar. Para los estudiantes que no tienen acceso a la tecnología, trabajaremos individualmente con esas familias y brindaremos tecnología o trabajo para encontrar una solución. Evaluaremos el estado de la pandemia cerca del 7 de Septiembre y tomaremos una decisión sobre los próximos pasos en ese momento. Para obtener más información, haga clic en el documento de Word a continuación....
MS Word Version Welcome Back Letter Fall 2020 (Spanish) (Versión actualizada)
May 2020
Superintendents Letter to Families
May 20, 2020
Dear NMSBVI Students and Families,
I am hoping that you are all safe and healthy. As we come to the close of this extraordinary school year, I wanted to thank you for adapting to the new way of learning and to congratulate you on a job well done during the 2019-2020 school year! NMSBVI misses seeing you in person and we look forward to next year, hoping we can be together.
I know that as summer approaches, there is concern about next year. At this time, the goal of the state of New Mexico is to allow staff and students to safely re-enter schools at the start of the next school year and to plan for a quick and safe response to any resurgence of COVID19. That being said, NMSBVI has been planning for re-opening by creating a variety of plans so that we are prepared. We have been in close contact with New Mexico Department of Health (NMDOH), the Center for Disease Control (CDC), the Governor’s Office, the New Mexico Public Education Department (NMPED), Higher Education (HED) and the Special Education Division of NMPED. We will follow all of their guidelines in order to ensure a safe, healthy education for our students and staff. Because we have two separate campuses in two different communities AND we serve students from around the state, the plan for each school and each student will be driven by the health of the surrounding community(ies).
For our youngest students and families, our Birth to 3 Department continues with distance learning through telehealth models and will continue with this model through the summer at this time. After the summer, telehealth will continue to be an option for our young students. We will determine phase-in scenarios for face to face services similar to the ones mentioned below, but in keeping with recommendations from the NMDOH and the Family Infant Toddler Coordinator.
We have created the attached plans for the following scenarios: (These scenarios may change)
• Continuous Learning from Home (School Buildings Closed)
• Partial Building Opening with Full Precautions (to exclude those in High Risk categories or in High Risk areas of the state)
• Full Building opening with Full Precautions
• Full Building Opening with Standard Precautions
Please know that NMSBVI may need to move among the different scenarios during the next school year, so we are making plans to make those moves as easy as possible. Above all, we will be led by our mission statement:
NMSBVI, an innovative leader and unifying entity in the field of educating students birth-high school who are blind or visually impaired, will identify and ensure quality education through collaborative relationships with students, families, and local/ state/national partners to provide outstanding advocacy, training, resources, and support services, thus ensuring that all students who are blind or visually impaired will become independent, productive members of their communities.
NMSBVI also has a comprehensive plan and decision tree that will guide us in the event of a COVID19 positive case in any of our programs. We have updated our cleaning and sanitizing protocols as recommended. These will be available on our website.
Please take time to enjoy your summer with your families (and hopefully friends). Please stay vigilant in this fight against COVID19. The more we do now, the better our future will be!
Yours truly,
Patricia Beecher, Superintendent
MS Word Version Letter to Families
PDF Version Letter to Families
Superintendents Letter to Families (Spanish)
20 de Mayo de 2020
Estimados estudiantes y familias de NMSBVI,
Espero que todos ustedes estén a salvo y saludables. A medida que llegamos al final de este año escolar extraordinario, ¡quería agradecerles por adaptarse a la nueva forma de aprender y felicitarlos por un trabajo bien hecho durante el año escolar 2019-2020! NMSBVI los extraña verlos en persona y esperamos con ansias el próximo año, esperando poder estar juntos.
Sé que a medida que se acerca el verano, hay preocupación sobre el próximo año. En este momento, el objetivo del estado de Nuevo México es permitir que el personal y los estudiantes vuelvan a ingresar a las escuelas de manera segura al comienzo del próximo año escolar y planificar una respuesta rápida y segura a cualquier resurgimiento de COVID19. Dicho esto, NMSBVI ha estado planeando la reapertura mediante la creación de una variedad de planes para que estemos preparados. Hemos estado en contacto cercano con el Departamento de Salud de Nuevo México (NMDOH), el Centro para el Control de Enfermedades (CDC), la Oficina del Gobernador, el Departamento de Educación Pública de Nuevo México (NMPED), Educación Superior (HED) y la División de Educación Especial de NMPED. Seguiremos todas sus pautas para garantizar una educación segura y saludable para nuestros estudiantes y personal. Debido a que tenemos dos campus separados en dos comunidades diferentes Y servimos a estudiantes de todo el estado, el plan para cada escuela y cada estudiante será impulsado por la salud de la (s) comunidad (es) circundante (es).
Para nuestros estudiantes y familias más jóvenes, nuestro Departamento de Nacimiento a 3 años continúa con el aprendizaje a distancia a través de modelos de telesalud y continuará con este modelo durante el verano en este momento. Después del verano, la telesalud continuará siendo una opción para nuestros jóvenes estudiantes. Determinaremos los escenarios de introducción gradual para los servicios cara a cara similares a los mencionados a continuación, pero de acuerdo con las recomendaciones del NMDOH y el Coordinador familiar de bebés y niños pequeños.
Hemos creado los planes adjuntos para los siguientes escenarios: (Estos escenarios estarían sujetos a cambios)
• Aprendizaje continuo desde el hogar al estar nuestros (Edificios Escolares Cerrados)
• Apertura parcial del edificio con precauciones completas (para excluir a aquellos en categorías de alto riesgo o en áreas de alto riesgo del estado)
• Apertura total del edificio con precauciones completas
• Apertura total del edificio con precauciones estándar
Por favor tenga en cuenta que NMSBVI puede ser que necesite moverse entre los diferentes escenarios durante el próximo año escolar, por lo que estamos haciendo planes para hacer esos movimientos lo más fácil posible. Sobre todo, seremos guiados por nuestra declaración de misión:
NMSBVI, un líder innovador y una entidad unificadora en el campo de la educación de estudiantes no videntes o con impedimentos visuales, intensificara y garantizará una educación de calidad a través de relaciones de colaboración con estudiantes, familias y socios locales / estatales / nacionales para proporcionar un trabajo excepcional , capacitación, recursos y servicios de apoyo, asegurando así que todos los estudiantes no videntes o con discapacidad visual se conviertan en miembros independientes y productivos de sus comunidades.
NMSBVI también tiene un plan integral y un árbol de decisiones que nos guiarán en caso de un caso positivo de COVID19 en cualquiera de nuestros programas. Hemos actualizado nuestros protocolos de limpieza y desinfección según lo recomendado. Estos estarán disponibles en nuestro sitio web.
Tómense el tiempo para disfrutar su verano con sus familias (y tal vez con amigos). Por favor, mantenganse alerta en esta lucha contra COVID19. ¡Cuanto más hagamos ahora, mejor será nuestro futuro!
Patricia Beecher
MS Word Version Letter to Families (Spanish)
PDF Version Letter to Families (Spanish)
To All of Our Parents and Students,
A big Thank You to all of Parents and Students
Stay Home. Stay Safe.
We're all in this together.
MS Word Version Thank you letter to the Students and Parent
Thank you, NMSBVI staff!
"We can do no great things... only Small Things with Great Love." ~Mother Theresa
Thank you,
NMSBVI staff!
Your tireless work behind-the-scenes makes such a big difference for students all around the state!
Stay Home. Stay Safe.
We're all in this together.
MS Word Version Thnak you letter to the Staff of NMSBVI
Corona Virus Update
Dear NMSBVI Families and Staff,
I hope that you are all staying healthy. As you may have already heard, the State Public Education Department made the decision to close schools through the end of the school year. While this is a very difficult decision, we understand the need to keep our students, families and staff safe. I want to let you know that while students will not be able to physically attend school, we will continue to educate our students. We have been working on a Continuous Education Model for each of our students. Educational teams are working on collaborative ways in which to provide educational services for each and every student. Your child’s teacher will be contacting you regarding the plan for your child and we look forward to partnering with you during this time.
The schools throughout the state are working together to share resources and create programming. The Department of Education and Higher Education are posting resources for teachers, students and families so that we can continue to provide educational services to our students. Our staff is so creative, innovative and passionate that I know we can rise to this challenge. We have already laid the groundwork for this successful transition.
Please know that we are all in this together. We will roll out this distance education program starting the week of April 6. Please check our website for more information.
Thank you so much and stay safe and healthy!
Patricia Beecher,
Governor: K-12 school closings must continue to prevent potential spread of COVID-19
Letter of the Superintendent (En Espanol)
1. Wash hands for 20 seconds with soap and water often, especially after using the restroom and before meals.
2. Cover coughs and sneezes with the inside of the arm (not hands)
3. Use tissues and throw them in the garbage, then wash hands again.
4. Do not share drinking glasses or eating utensils with your child and do not let them share with others.
5. Clean and disinfect doorknobs, tables, counters, phones and all other regularly used surfaces and items in your house.
• Get a flu shot if recommended by your doctor and if your child’s doctor recommends one, get one for your child, too.
• Try to avoid activities and events with large numbers of people.
• “Social distancing” is a term that is being used lately. This means that it is recommended that people don’t shake hands or hug and stay 6 feet apart from one another.
• What you need to know about coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)
• CDC "About Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)"
Letter of the Superintendent (Spanish)
Talking to Children About COVID-19 (Coronavirus): A Parent Resource
COVID-19: U.S. at a Glance
Updated: Governor, Department of Health announce first positive COVID-19 cases in New Mexico
New Mexico announces fifth presumptive positive COVID-19 case
NMSBVI is receiving regular updates from the NMDOH and the CDC regarding this virus and we will take all recommended steps. More information regarding the coronavirus (COVID-19) can be found on the CDC website: cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/downloads/2019-ncov-factsheet.pdf as well as at New Mexico Department of Health Website
Corona Virus Information
Dear NMSBVI Families and Staff,
NMSBVI is aware of the current issues around COVID-19 (coronavirus). Here at NMSBVI, we take our students' health very seriously. It important to note that there are no known cases of COVID-19 in New Mexico. However, NMSBVI is in contact with the NM Department of Health (NMDOH) and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) regarding this virus. One of the tricky things about this virus is that individuals carrying this virus can have symptoms that vary- anywhere from mild cold-like symptoms to more serious symptoms. The purpose of this letter is to let you know the steps that NMSBVI is taking in order to ensure the health and safety of our students and staff. Right now, the recommendations regarding this virus include many of the same precautions recommended for preventing the spread of the influenza (flu) virus.
Letter of the Superintendent (Spanish)
Talking to Children About COVID-19 (Coronavirus): A Parent Resource
Center For Disease Control, Key Facts About Influenza (Flu)
WOWI is a career assessment that measures 17 career interests, 6 aptitudes and 12 work styles. WOWI is also specially designed to be accessible for students with visual impairments or blindness.
Location: New Mexico School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, Ditzler Auditorium, Alamogordo, NM Please reserve your spot by completing your reservation: Link to the Future Staff Training Sign Up Form.
FUTURES STAFF TRAINING MS word versionDetails InFocus
The NMSBVI Innovations Group is proud to announce the upcoming launch of its new e-newsletter, “Details InFocus,” covering a variety of topics and even including a Students’ Corner!
If NMSBVI doesn’t yet have your email address and you’d like to subscribe, please email us at NMSBVI News
Details InFocus MS word versionNMSBVI Annual Report
Please select from the links below to download the latest issue:
Annual Report Adobe PDF Version (requires Adobe Reader)NMSBVI Annual Report MS word version
Vision Bee 2020
UNM Continuing Education Building
1634 University Blvd NE
Albuquerque, NM 87102
NMSBVI Ditzler Auditorium
1900 N White Sands Blvd
Alamogordo, NM 88310
A Vision Bee is dedicated to imparting the latest information regarding teaching students who have visual impairments. A Vision Bee is appropriate for parents, families, teachers, service providers, social workers and anyone who is interested in increasing their skills in regards to serving students with visual impairments. Registration is free. CEUs are available. For more information click the link below.
Link for the Vision Bee webpage. Vision Bee MS Word Flyer4th Annual Event GLOWBALL Fundraising Tournament
The Fourth Annual GlowBall Tournament will be held on September 21, 2019 at Los Altos Golf Course.
We’re currently seeking sponsors to cover a variety of needs for our upcoming event. Multiple sponsorship and donation opportunities exist, including sponsorship of birdies, drink carts, the evening’s putting contest, and a need for multiple tee/hole sponsors. To register for this wonderful event, visit the foundation website at NMSBVI Foundation.
Address: New Mexico Roundhouse: 490 Old Santa Fe Trail, Santa Fe
4th Annual Event GLOWBALL Fundraising Tournament MS word version
Student Registration
Tuesday, July 30th from 8:15 – 11:00, by appointment only
Thursday, August 1st from 8:00-3:30, Alamogordo
Friday, August 2nd from 8:00-Noon, Alamogordo, by appointment only
Alamogordo Campus Jack Hall Building IEP Conference room
Science Curriculum Changes
Presentation to NMSBVI Stakeholders outlining the upcoming changes to the science curriculum. These changes result from NMPED’s adoption of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). This presentation shares the recommendations for new and updated instructional delivery models as well as the recommendations for new and accessible K-12 science curricular materials to support the NGSS.
2019 WREIC Conference
The Western Regional Early Intervention Conference (WREIC) is designed to support professionals working with, and families of, children birth to five years old who are deaf/hard of hearing, blind/visually impaired, or deafblind. WREIC has been in place for over 30 years, making it one of the longest ongoing early intervention conferences in the country. For more information, please select the link below:
WREIC 2019 Conference Information (requires Adobe Reader)
Innovations Fair 2019
The NMSBVI Innovations Fair is traveling to Santa Fe, and we hope you’ll join us there for an exciting day! We’ll be on-site at the New Mexico Legislative Roundhouse on Tuesday, March 5, from 8:00am to 2:00pm, with a variety of booths displaying some of our staff’s innovative ideas and programs... and a special performance by NMSBVI Students in the Rotunda from Noon to 1:00pm. We hope to see you there!
Address: New Mexico Roundhouse: 490 Old Santa Fe Trail, Santa Fe
NMSBVI Innovations Fair 2019 MS word version
New Mexico Poetry Out Loud
On Sunday, March 10, one of our students will be competing in the state level Poetry Out Loud competition in Santa Fe! We do not know which student yet, as we have not yet held our school level competition. However, please set aside the date to come support our student! For more information, please contact Donelle Bunch-Sydow at NMSBVI: Email: DonelleBunch-Sydow
Address: New Mexico Museum of Art St. Francis Auditorium, Santa Fe
NMSBVI New Mexico Poetry Out Loud 2019 MS word version
NMSBVI Annual Report
Please select from the links below to download the latest issue:
Annual Report Adobe PDF Version (requires Adobe Reader)NMSBVI Annual Report MS word version
The NM AER conference is an opportunity for professionals to meet, network, visit with leaders in the field and to become re-energized in their work. The theme of the 2019 NM AER Conference is “Navigating the Future”. This theme was selected because it represents the practice of working collaboratively to help students acquire the skills needed to become successful adults. This year’s conference features Dr. Merabet & Dr. Lawrence.
Lotfi B. Merabet, OD PhD MPH ~ Lotfi Merabet is an optometrist-scientist and a member of the research faculty in the Vision Rehabilitation Service at Massachusetts Eye and Ear. He is active in research relating to individuals’ adaptations to loss of sight and profound blindness. Dr. Merabet’s main research interests include the development of assistive technology and much of this work is done in local collaboration with the Carroll Center and Perkins School for the Blind as well as internationally with the Universities of Chile and Milan.
Linda Lawrence, MD ~ Linda Lawrence, MD established in 1986 a solo, private practice in comprehensive ophthalmology with pediatric emphasis in Salina, Kansas, USA. Since 1992, she has performed functional vision assessment in the early intervention, Part C program, at Salina Regional Health Center, Kansas, and has documented the high rate of undiagnosed ocular pathology in infants and toddlers with developmental disabilities, and advocated for earlier detection and interventions. She performs outreach services with the Kansas State School for the Blind and is a volunteer consultant for Centro Ann Sullivan del Peru (CASP) in Lima, Peru.
2018 NM-AER CONFERENCE flyer MS word version
Vision Bee 2018
UNM Continuing Education Building
1634 University Blvd NE
Albuquerque, NM 87102
NMSBVI Ditzler Auditorium
1900 N White Sands Blvd
Alamogordo, NM 88310
A Vision Bee is dedicated to imparting the latest information regarding teaching students who have visual impairments. A Vision Bee is appropriate for parents, families, teachers, service providers, social workers and anyone who is interested in increasing their skills in regards to serving students with visual impairments. Registration is free. CEUs are available. For more information click the link below.
Link for the Vision Bee webpage.Low Vision Clinic
The New Mexico School for the Blind and Visually Impaired offers free low vision evaluations to infants, toddlers and students throughout New Mexico through its Access to Learning Low Vision Clinic. The mobile clinic travels throughout the state and offers a special medical examination to determine if a student's visual abilities can be improved. At the Low Vision Clinic, a doctor of optometry who has received specialized training in working with students with low vision will measure how well the student sees and will determine whether any low vision devices might improve visual functioning. More information...
Santa Fe - October 18, 2019
Albuquerque- October 23, 2019
Roswell- November 13-14, 2019
Las Cruces - January 29-30, 2020
Albuquerque - February 12, 2020
Rio Rancho - February 19, 2020
Carlsbad - March 13, 2020
Albuquerque - April 1, 2020
Albuquerque - TBD
Building Dedication for the Linda Lyle Administration Building
Please join us as we celebrate the dedication of the Linda Lyle Administration Building on the NMSBVI Alamogordo Campus! Ribbon cutting ceremony followed by light refreshments. We hope to see you here!
Click Here to view pdf version (requires Adobe Reader)
Building Dedication
Please join us on the NMSBVI Alamogordo Campus for a building dedication & open house of our newly renovated buildings: Linda Lyle Administration Building, Harry Ditzler Auditorium, Recreation Center, and Instructional Resource Center.
Building dedication ribbon cutting at 1:30 pm, followed by self-guided walk-throughs and light refreshments. We hope to see you here!
Click Here to view pdf version (requires Adobe Reader)
NMSBVI Summer Programs
About the Program
The New Mexico School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (NMSBVI) will again be running a series of summer camps around the state for academic students with visual impairments. Eligible students will have a diagnosed (educational) visual impairment, be enrolled in a participating New Mexico school district during the 2017-18 school year, be a minimum of 6 years of age but not yet graduated, be capable of managing their behaviors while at the camp, and not require medications during the hours of the camp with the exception of the Alamogordo camp. (We will have a nurse during the day for the Alamogordo camp.)
Please contact Ron Later for more information.
Ron Later
(575) 439-4478
NMSBVI InFocus Newsletter
Please select a version of the Newsletter to download:
Click Here to view pdf version (requires Adobe Reader)
Click Here to view Microsoft Word version
NASA picks Alamogordo for Space Station Downlink Video (New)
Local students are getting a once in a lifetime opportunity to talk with astronauts aboard the International Space Station (ISS) on Feb. 21.
To watch the full video please click on this link.
Disclaimer: The above link will take you to a site that is under construction and may not be easily accessible for blind or visually impaired users.
NMSBVI Annual Report
Please select from the links below to download the latest issue:
Annual Report Adobe PDF Version (requires Adobe Reader)Annual Report Word Document Version
Innovations Fair
Please join us at either NMSBVI campus for our second Annual Innovations Fair!
February 7th at NMSBVI Albuquerque ECP Campus, 1pm-3pm
February 9th at NMSBVI Alamogordo Residential Campus, 1pm-3pm
Please join us as we display and celebrate some of the school’s recent innovations in education! Our staff is involved with so many exciting things happening in NMSBVI classrooms and in various locations around the state... and they’re thrilled by this opportunity to share their innovations with you! Please stop by either event to visit with our staff and get a glimpse of some of the interesting creations currently under development. We hope to see you there!
Vision Bee 2018
A Vision Bee is dedicated to imparting the latest information regarding teaching students who have visual impairments. A Vision Bee is appropriate for parents, families, teachers, service providers, social workers and anyone who is interested in increasing their skills in regards to serving students with visual impairments. The Vision Bees take place during January of each year in Albuquerque and Alamogordo. Registration is free. CEUs are available. For more information click the link below.
Link for the Vision Bee webpage.NMSBVI Summer Programs
The New Mexico School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (NMSBVI) will again be running a series of summer camps around the state for academic students with visual impairments. For more information, please select the document below.
Select here for more information2017 WREIC Conference
The Western Regional Early Intervention Conference (WREIC) is designed to support professionals working with, and families of, children birth to five years old who are deaf/hard of hearing, blind/visually impaired, or deaf/blind. WREIC has been in place for over 30 years, making it one of the longest running, ongoing early intervention conferences in the country. For more information, please select the link below:
WREIC Summer 2017 Conference Information (requires Adobe Reader)
NMSBVI Awarded Community Foundation Support
The Community Foundation of Southern New Mexico has awarded NMSBVI funding to support our “Never Shake a Baby” program. The program was developed to increase the awareness and to prevent Non-Accidental Trauma (NAT). Every year we see children who are blind or visually impaired and have developmental disabilities as a result of NAT.
Read the Las Cruces Sun-News article.Innovations Fair
Please join us at either NMSBVI campus for our First Annual Innovations Fair!
April 26 at NMSBVI Albuquerque ECP Campus, 1pm-3pm
April 28 at NMSBVI Alamogordo Residential Campus, 1pm-3pm
Please join us as we display and celebrate some of the school’s recent innovations in education! Our staff is involved with so many exciting things happening in NMSBVI classrooms and in various locations around the state... and they’re thrilled by this opportunity to share their innovations with you! Please stop by either event to visit with our staff and get a glimpse of some of the interesting creations currently under development. We hope to see you there!
Click here to view the event flyer (requires Adobe Reader)
2017 NM-AER Conference
NM-AER 2017 Conference Flyer (requires Adobe Reader)
The NM AER conference, February 8 - 10, 2017 is an opportunity for professionals to meet, network, visit with leaders in the field and to become re-energized in their work. This year's conference Better Together, reflects the logo of the organization and speaks to our collaborative efforts to integrate our work in the field of blindness into a seamless source of options for all students who need visual impairment support. The conference will begin with a preconference day, February 8, 2017. We will be hosting a conference welcome reception on Wednesday, February 8, 2017 at 6:00 pm with a keynote address from Agnes Vallejos.
Dr. Gordon Dutton, MD, Pediatric Ophthalmologist, Dr. Amanda Lueck, PhD and Dr. Linda Lawrence, MD, Pediatric Ophthalmologist will share their expertise on cerebral visual impairment. Other highlights of the conference include Vision and Autism, the Expanded Core Curriculum, assistive technology, orientation and mobility and a panel of graduates from New Mexico schools who will share what they learned from their TVIs and O&Ms that helped them in their careers.
For more information about NM AER and our 2017 Conference please visit us at nmaer.weebly.com.
School-Wide News Events 2015-2016
NMSBVI voted one of the Top Workplaces of 2015
The Albuquerque Journal has deemed NMSBVI to be one of the top workplaces in New Mexico of 2015. The Top Workplaces program was set-up to recognize companies that have a great workplace. We are proud to be considered as such!
NMSBVI voted Top Workplace 2015
Governor's Ball Beneficiary
This year NMSBVI was chosen as a beneficiary of the New Mexico Governor's Ball. proceeds are being donated towards the replacement of our
playground surface on the ECP campus. The replacement of the tiles will once again make our campus safe and hazard free for our students.
NASA's SOFIA Project - Message from Nichelle Nichols and Mr. Killebrew
NASA SOFIA Video - SOFIA Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy Sept. 2015 NASA SOFIA Video - Flying with Airborne Astronomy Ambassadors Sept. 2015 Click here to read the NASA SOFIA Observatory Article More info on NASA SOFIA and Mr. K's Journey
NMSBVI InFocus Newsletter
Please select a version of the Newsletter to download:
Click Here to view pdf version (requires Adobe Reader)
Click Here to view Microsoft Word version
NMSBVI Annual Report
Please select from the links below to download the latest issue:
Annual Report Adobe PDF Version (requires Adobe Reader)Annual Report Word Document Version
Family Weekend on Campus
Parents, mark your calendars for this weekend. This will be an on-campus learning event for you and your child to experience VI skills in fun and engaging ways. As has become our tradition, we will be hosting a Family Weekend on Campus November 4-6th! Family Weekend on Campus is designed to be a time for families to see your child's learning environment, meet staff face-to-face that you often only get to know by phone, and learn skills and information that may help you support your child more effectively. We also strive to incorporate fun and great food into the weekend!
National Federation of the Blind of New Mexico (NFBNM)
Save the Date! Parents and students, please attend two upcoming seminars sponsored by the National Federation of the Blind of New Mexico. These seminars will take place
Friday, November 18th, and Saturday November 19th, 2016. These seminars will be held at the following location:
Location: MCM Elegante Hotel
Address: 2020 Menaul Blvd. NE, Albuquerque, NM 87106
Registration information will be available beginning the first week of October. Childcare will be provided for the seminars on Saturday. For question, please use the contact
list below:
Adelmo Vigil, NFBNM President
Phone: 575-921-5422
E-mail: avigil74@gmail.com
Frances Hammond, Parents of Blind Children (POBC) Secretary
Phone: 505-400-2560
E-mail: Morning_star_18@hotmail.com
Emilio Martinez, New Mexico Association of Blind Students (NMABS) President
Phone: 505-321-8080
E-mail: Sags07@yahoo.com
Getting in Touch with Literacy
GITWL 2105 (November 18-21) brings together the most current thinking on all forms of literacy, including print, braille, auditory, tactile
graphics comprehension and the use of assistive technology. Presentations will address the needs of a range of ages and all levels of ability,
including conventional and functional literacy. Plus, more than 60 concurrent workshops and additional poster sessions will focus on more specific
More info on Getting in Touch With Literacy
Getting in Touch with Literacy Video
NMSBVI InFocus Newsletter
Please select from the links below to download the latest issue:
Spring InFocus 2016 Adobe PDF Version (requires Adobe Reader)Spring InFocus 2016 Word Document Version
2016 AER Alfred Allen Award
Congratulations to our amazing Superintendent, Linda Lyle. She was presented with the Alfred Allen Award at the 2016 AER Conference. This award honors professionals who have spent their career in direct service to people with visual impairments.