Welcome to the Early Childhood Program (ECP).
Albuquerque Preschool Alamogordo Preschool
ECP - Albuquerque, New Mexico.
About the ECP
Preschool services are available on both the Alamogordo and the Albuquerque campuses. Preschool/kindergarten is part of NMSBVI’s continuum of services offered to children throughout each stage of growth and development. The Preschool and Kindergarten Program serves children who are blind or visually impaired between the ages of 3 and 6 from Albuquerque and the surrounding areas. Students are required to have a diagnosed vision impairment that adversely impacts their capacity to learn in a more traditional classroom. All students are placed in the program by IEP committee decision held by the student’s resident public school system.
The academic program for Preschool and Kindergarten consists of literacy (print and Braille), math, concept development, socialization and all aspects of the expanded core curriculum for blindness. Students are encouraged to explore and to become familiar with their immediate environment; then expand outward to travel successfully into new and unfamiliar areas. Guided exploration and self-discovery are used to support learning at every level. All children are placed in the preschool programs by IEP team decision because they require daily support from a teacher of the visually impaired
The Preschool and Kindergarten Program offers additional services to students who qualify.
These services include:
Classroom instruction from Teachers of the Visually Impaired
Orientation and Mobility instruction
Speech-Language Therapy
Physical Therapy
Occupation Therapy
Social Work
For more information, please contact:
NMSBVI Early Childhood Programs
801 Stephen Moody St. SE
Albuquerque, NM 87123
1-800-437-3505 ext. 4401
Paul Kilman, Program coordinator ext. 3063
ECP Front Desk ext. 4401 or 505-271-3060
Quick Links
School Calendar (2022-2023) ECP School Handbook - English ECP School Handbook - Spanish Community ResourcesAlbuquerque - ECP News & Events Newsletter Staff Contact NMSBVI Policies & Procedures
Residential Campus Preschool Program
Alamogordo, New Mexico.
The Preschool Program serves children who are blind or visually impaired between the ages of 2 ½ and 6 from Alamogordo and the surrounding areas. Students are required to have a diagnosed vision impairment that adversely impacts their capacity to learn in a more traditional classroom. All students are placed in the program by IEP committee decision held by the student’s resident public school system. The program is a day school program.