NMSBVI Accessibility
Our Commitment
The New Mexico School for the Blind and Visually Impaired is committed to providing access to all digital information to all individuals in accordance with State and Federal law. The school complies with all portions of Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act to ensure that all employees with disabilities as well as any member of the public with a disability who seeks employment or access to information through the school's website or other digital platforms has access to and use of information and data that is available to others without disabilities.
If you have a disability and the format of any material on this website interferes with your ability to access the information please contact webmasters@nmsbvi.k12.nm.us. Please indicate the nature of the accessibility problem, the web address of the requested material, the preferred format in which you want to receive the material (electronic format, standard print, large print, etc.) and your contact information.
Adjust Web Site Text Size
Using your specific Internet browser settings, you can customize the text size for all Web sites you visit. Please be aware that selecting too large of a font may cause layout issues. If this is the case use your browser's Help Menu to display the site as text only.
Internet Explorer 7/8: Select the 'Page' menu, then one of the options under 'Zoom' or 'Text Size'. The default setting is 'Medium'
Mozilla Firefox: Select the 'View' menu, then 'zoom', then select zoom text only. After doing this you can do Cntrl (hold) and the
plus (+) or minus (-) key to make text larger or smaller. You can also access the font settings by selecting the menu icon (three
lines on the right of the address bar), selecting 'Options', selecting the 'Content' tab, and changing the font size in this
Google Chrome: Select the menu icon (three lines on the right of the address bar), select 'Settings', a new tab will open. Select
'show advanced settings', change font size under Web Content. The default setting is 'Medium'. You may also customize fonts here to
increase readability and set specific font sizes.
Opera: Select the 'View' menu, then one of the 'Zoom' percentage options
Netscape: Select the 'View' menu, then one of the 'Text Zoom' options
Other browsers also may have similar options available. Please consult your browser's Help menu for specific instructions.
Technical Accessibility Features
To ensure accessibility, NMSBVI implements programming following published Web standards and accessibility guidelines. The site is developed using valid HTML5 and cascading style sheets (CSS). The site content is separated from presentational elements, enabling access to any visitors that use technologies such as a screen reader or text only browsers.
Images with 'alt tags,' which aid users who listen to the content of the site using a screen reader, rather than reading the site.
A 'skip navigation' link that provides screen reader users with a method for bypassing the header and going directly to the main
Title attributes for additional information about links and indication of new browser windows.
Structural markup to indicate headings and lists to aid in page comprehension.
Association of forms with labels.
Association of all data cells in a data table with their headers.
JavaScript and style sheets to enhance the appearance and functionality of the site. If these technologies are not available,
alternative content is provided where necessary to ensure graceful degradation.
Accessible Embedded documents and multimedia. Reasonable alternative formats are available on the web site and, where appropriate,
Braille copies are available upon request.
Download Plug-in
Some of the links on this Web site require a plug-in to view, which is available below.
Adobe Reader when viewing PDF format file